Month: September 2007


Dillington Pond – 23rd September 2007

After a week off I was raring to go for this one although the weather was set to be wet and windy. Amazingly I drew peg one for the third match running (and the scales). The pond looked good with fish topping and the wind was blowing into the willow to my right. I had Big Frank on peg two and could


Dillington Pond – Summer League – 9th September 2007

The last match arrived with me lying in second place in the league, three points behind Graham Field and in all reality the only way I was going to beat him was if he didn’t turn up! This went out the window when I walked into the Crown and he was there. Still I had to try and hang on to second


Dillington Pond – Summer League – 2nd September 2007

Haven’t mentioned mine and Andy’s Evesham trip yet, well it was as excellent as ever. We drank far too much and met a couple of nice young ladies, Oh! and we watched a bit of fishing. Milo Columbo won day one with 6lb odd (which included a decent tench), on day two a chap had two carp! for over 20lb from peg