Month: March 2008

Perry St Pond – Spring League – 30th March 2008
I wasn’t looking forward to this one although the weather was a lot better than forecast. Les and Steve Bush drew their usual corner pegs and Janders was on consistent peg 13, for my sins I drew peg 7 which hasn’t got a lot of form. I set up a 0.6 gram Drennan carp float to fish at 11 metres and scaled …

Perry St Pond – 23rd March 2008
More shitty weather was forecast and I wasn’t really up for this one at all. At the draw only six other anglers turned up so Les decided it would be draw and choose, amazingly I got choice one and decided to go for peg 11, one of the consistent corner pegs. Les was paying out the top two and two sections so …

Perry St Pond – 21st March 2008
Chard AC always hold on match on Good Friday and today was no exception. Once again the forecast was crap with strong winds, hail and rain. I managed to draw poxy peg 15 again and the wind was right in my face. I set up the same two rigs as the last match (see previous post) and on the whistle cupped in …

Perry St Pond – Spring League – 16th March 2008
Me and Janders had missed the first match in this league due to a clash with the Crown league and as you can only drop one match I was keen to get off to a good start. The weather was awful with a very cold wind and freezing rain. I drew peg 15 which meant nothing to me apart from I knew …

River Isle – Crown League – 9th March 2008
After drawing peg 125 last week I only went and drew it again!!! After some rain yesterday I really thought there might be a touch of colour but if anything the river was lower and clearer than last time. I made myself comfortable and set up the same rig as last week, a 2BB Drennan peacock waggler with 0.12 mm bottom and …

River Isle – V.E.S. Precision League – 2nd March 2008
The last match arrived and I had been dreaming about drawing peg 125 for weeks and I only went and drew it!!! and it was a golden peg too! Driving to the river I kept thinking this was my best chance of winning a golden peg for years and I actually had butterflies! The peg itself is nothing special to look at, …