Month: April 2008

Perry St Pond – Spring League – 27th April 2008
Nearly a full house for this one with 19 anglers eagerly awaiting the draw, I did my usual trick of avoiding all the corner pegs by ending up on peg 7 again. Still with the weather warming up I had it in my mind that I was going to fish up in the water as quite a few carp have been caught …

Chard Reservoir – 20th April 2008
Les said that the bream had been showing well on the ‘resi’ and I was looking forward to this one as I haven’t fished the tip for ages. Apparently pegs in the forties were the ones to draw and I was well chuffed when I drew peg 41. I got to my peg and while I was setting up got two wet …

Perry St Pond – Spring League – 13th April 2008
After actually picking up some money last week I was hoping to continue my good fortune this week. After drawing peg 3, I wasn’t so sure. Butch Baker drew another flier in the shape of peg 10 and Chris Haines also continued his good form at the draw bag with peg 20. My peg has had some form but only when peg …

Perry St Pond – 6th April 2008
Once again the forecast was crap but this time the only difference was that snow was forecast instead of rain. Only ten hardened anglers (or nutters as I like to call them) turned up for the draw and Les decided to leave the corner pegs out in a bid to make it a fairer match. I drew peg 16 and as I …