Month: February 2009

River Isle – Crown Winter League – 22nd February 2009
It was a glorious day and match organiser Robin Cox had promised he was going to put all the good pegs in. Pegs 55, 66 and 125 were all in and capable of doing 20lb. I stuck my hand in the bucket and pulled out 27, a peg that can do decent bags of small fish but realistically I was looking at …

River Isle – Open – 15th February 2009
I was looking forward to this one but it turned out to be a bit of a non starter for me. Things didn’t start well when I woke up with the hangover from hell, I’d been to Hoff’s 50th the night before and we ended up back in Chard at the Phoenix. Well wrecked and not at all match fit! It got …

Sunday 8th February 2009
Due to all the bad weather the Isle match was called off so no report this week. There was a match on the resi but that fished poorly and the last I heard there was only one roach caught. Hopefully we will be on the river next week as it’s the annual ‘Open’, a match I’d love to win, tune in to …

River Isle – V.E.S. Precision Winter League – 2nd February 2009
Well I got my wish and we were on the river which looked nice with a tinge of colour, the bad news was that it was freezing cold with a bitter wind. I managed to pull peg 24 out of the bucket although I had the choice of 23 or 24. As I had blanked on 23 the last time I fished …