Month: April 2009

Perry St Pond – Spring League – 19th April 2009
I was quite nervous for this one, me and Les were in the pairs final with Steve Bush and Butch Baker and I really wanted to do well. Both Butch and me had yet to draw corner pegs and we had a one in two chance today and it could decide who won the pairs. We all assembled for the draw and …

Chris Haines Pond – 12th April 2009
With nothing else on Les arranged for us to have a little match at Chris Haines pond near Frome. Dave Lawrence very kindly picked me up (after going to my old house first!) bright and early and we met the others and set off in convoy. We got there in good time and it looked like it was going to be a …

Perry St Pond – 10th April 2009
A rather grey, showery day greeted me as I loaded my car with kit ready for the annual Good Friday match at Perry St Pond. There were some faces I hadn’t seen for ages at the draw including Scott and Roger Russell and Alvin Jones, were we to be mugged again? It was time for the draw and once again my drawing …

Perry St Pond – Spring League – 5th April 2009
I woke up and once again it was bright and sunny although we’d had another frost in the night, would this affect the fishing? I got to the draw and sorted out some bait before buying yet more hooks off Chris Haines (that man could sell sand to the Arabs!). After two decent results in the first two matches I was keen …