Month: May 2009

Dillington Pond – Evening League – 27th May 2009
We’d talked about holding some evening matches for ages, just to see how it fished and Robin finally got his act together. We would fish six matches, every other week, fishing from six until nine. We met at the pond at 5 ‘o’ clock and it was disappointing when only four turned up, several others had expressed an interest but there was …

Perry St Pond – Spring League – 24th May 2009
The weather was the complete opposite to last weeks wind and driving rain, the sun was out and everything looked set for a good day. This was penultimate round of the Haines Angling Spring league and as I was currently lying in third place I really needed a good result to keep me in the running. Big Les announced the draw and …

Dillington Pond – Summer League – 17th May 2009
I was really looking forward to this one after reports that it had been fishing well, although the weather forecast wasn’t too good. While sorting my gear out in the morning, the weather didn’t look that bad although it was a little blustery. At the draw there was a decent turnout of 12 anglers including Scotty and Ashley from Yeovil Angling Centre …

Perry St Pond – Spring League – 10th May 2009
First of all I would like to say a huge thanks to everybody who came to my birthday party on Friday. Yes Jamie has reached 40 in one piece, let life begin! I had a great time at my party and the band ‘No Closure’ were fantastic. I had some great prezzies including a sweatshirt and hoodie emblazoned with the name of …

River Ebro, Spain – 26th April to 2nd May 2009
When I heard Scott Russell and Ashley Tomkins was planning to go fishing for catfish in Spain I jumped at the chance to tag along. It was bloody hard work with us all being on the bank for up to 18 hours a day with most nights only getting 4 hours sleep (Scotty’s snoring didn’t help!). My main aims were to catch …