Month: March 2012

Seaton – Chasing Silver Shadows – 31st March 2012
After yesterdays disappointing trip to try and catch bream down the resi, today me and Andy were off to Seaton to try and catch a mullet, a new species for both of us. The problem was neither of us knew anything about them or how to catch them! I’d tried doing some research but all I really found out was that bread …

Chard Reservoir – Slab Hunting – 30th March 2012
Next up on my ‘Mission Impossible’ hit list was bream and possibly roach so I headed to the resi where I fancied I’d latch into a few, especially after Russell Hilton’s great session recently. Janders very kindly agreed to come down with me so I could borrow his trolley and we could head to the prolific pegs in the forties. Well, best …

Summerhayes – Open – 25th March 2012
After last weeks disaster I was hoping for better things today at Summerhayes, it was on Long’s Match Lake again and the forecast was for a hot, sunny day. I picked Janders up and on arrival we could see there was a really good turnout (26 anglers in total). There were the usual venue experts in the form of Bruce Hunt, Adie …

Mission Impossible? – 23rd March 2012
Back in February of this year I realised I’d never caught a grayling in 32 years of fishing and arranged a day on the River Tone with Scott Russell and despite less than favourable conditions I managed to catch a small grayling. It was a really enjoyable day and one which I repeated a few weeks back and caught another three ‘ladies’ …

Chard Reservoir – 18th March 2012
I was standing in for someone on the winter league today and was looking forward to seeing the tip get pulled round a few times (famous last words!). It was good to see all the Chard crew for the first time for ages. After paying my pools and sorting out some bait it was time to draw. Les said that Bushy was …

Summerhayes – Open – 11th March 2012
With nothing else on, I phoned and booked in for the match at Summerhayes, Janders also phoned me in the week and asked if he could come along. I picked him up at 8:00 and off we went, there was a decent turnout of 19 anglers including Martin Heard, Bruce Hunt and Adie Bishop. I had no idea what a good draw …

The ‘Big One’, Farnborough
I popped to the ‘Big One’ at Farnborough airfield today (I say popped but had to use my passport to get out of Somerset!). My main purpose was to pay my deposit for this years holiday to the fantastic Gillhams Resort in Thailand but it would also be good to catch up with Stuart and have a look around. The …

River Tone – ‘Searching For Another Lady’ – 2nd March 2012
After my last trip in Feb to try and catch grayling where despite the awful conditions I actually caught a small ‘lady’, I was itching to have another go. With the weather a lot better and the end of the river season approaching, I booked another day off and arranged another trip with ‘Scotty’s Guided Grayling Tours’. This time there was another …