Month: November 2012

Dillington Pond – 25th November 2012
After rain of biblical proportions for most of the week, this weeks match was never going to be on the river, in fact with widespread flooding I wasn’t sure there would be a match at all! On waking up the weather didn’t look too bad outside and the drive to Ilminster was okay although there was a lot of water about. I …

River Isle – Royal Oak Winter League 3 – 18th November 2012
It was round three of the Royal Oak league today and after winning the first two matches I was hoping for another good draw today. The trouble was we’d had the first real hard frost last night and combined with a low and clear river, it could be a struggle today. Rob had pegged Upper and Lower Coxes and I really fancied pegs …

V2V Fishing Dvd Reviews
I’ve just been sent two Dvd’s by the lovely Steve Lockett today (both from the V2V stable) and I’ve just finished watching them both. I must confess I haven’t seen an instructional Dvd for a while (in fact the last time I watched one I think it was on VHS!). The two titles Steve sent me were: Will Raison – Silvers On The Pole …

River Isle – V.E.S. Precision League 3 – 11th November 2012
With no match last week, I was really looking forward to getting back on the Isle and despite a frost overnight, the air temperature wasn’t too bad and it was a bright sunny day. Rob put some cracking pegs in and I fancied 14, 15 or 27 and the only pegs I didn’t want were 17 or 23. Heardy drew 23 and …

River Wye – Whiskers Wanted! – 4th November 2012
Justin Charles has been enjoying some great fishing on the Wye with barbel to nearly 10lb and pike to 18lb+ so with no match this weekend I jumped at the chance to head to Wales today. With the weather turning colder he thought we might stand a chance of a barbel or two but didn’t think we’d be catching as many as …