Month: July 2014

Perry St Pond – League 10 – 27th July 2014
Yesterday had been really hot and I’d managed to burn my face and neck while walking round the Thai festival in Bristol so would need to be more careful today, although it did look like it was going to be a bit more overcast which would be better fishing conditions. Everyone knew which pegs they were on today and I had peg …

Water-to-Go Bottle Review
As I’ve said before on the blog, one of the unexpected perks of writing my weekly posts is that occasionally I get contacted and asked if I’d like to review a company’s products and as long as the item in question is related to fishing or the outdoors, I’m more than happy to. I will always try and test the product and …

Perry St Pond – League 9 – 20th July 2014
After a few days of unsettled weather with some thunder and lightning, the weather was scorching for this one as we head towards the business end of this years league. I knew I’d either be on peg 6 or peg 8 today and after Hoff picked the envelope it turned out peg 8 was my home for six hours today. The draw …

Summerhayes – Open – 13th July 2014
Before I get onto this weeks blog I must just mention that I picked up my new seatbox yesterday, yes you heard correctly, the Tardis has finally been retired! After talking to several people and looking at what’s available I decided on the Martix Superbox as it’s had great reviews and it doesn’t cost the Earth. It’s a nice looking box but …

Perry St Pond – League 8 – 6th July 2014
After watching the juniors yesterday I was quite looking forward to this match, the weather was nice again although some rain was forecast for later but I was hoping I’d be able to catch shallow again. We nearly had a full house again with only one absentee today. I had to pick the envelope for the draw sequence and when Les opened …

Chard AC Junior Match – Perry St Pond – 5th July 2014
Last Sunday, Rocking Roy reminded me that there was a junior match out the pond today so I popped out to see how they were getting on. There were five youngsters fishing today and they were on pegs 12 to 16, I walked the long way round and came to Sam Hughes on peg 12 first, Sam was fishing the feeder and …

Bonus Interview!
I haven’t done an interview for a while and hopefully I have another big name in the angling world lined up but until then, here’s a little ‘tongue in cheek’ interview to tide you over (and you may even find some bits interesting!). Hi Jamie, thank you very much for taking the time to answer my questions, I’ve known you for a …