Month: December 2014

Summerhayes – Open – 31st December 2014
With the year drawing to a close I booked into the mid week open on Longs, this was to be the last chance saloon for an envelope as I hadn’t managed one this month yet. I wasn’t confident though because as regular readers know, I like to fish for silvers and only 2lb 12oz was enough to win in last Sunday’s match. …

Summerhayes – Open – 21st December 2014
Ilminster didn’t have a match on this weekend so I booked into Summerhayes for my first match there since September. The weather is still incredibly mild for December although we have had the odd frost over the last couple of weeks. The match was supposed to be on Longs but Pete switched it to Sellicks as Longs was hard going on Wednesday with …

River Monsters Fish On! App Review
A couple of weeks ago I was contacted by Icon Films to see if I’d review a fishing app they were developing. I knew they were the company that produced the popular River Monsters show and for a moment (just a moment mind!) I got all excited thinking perhaps they wanted me to be the next Jeremy Wade! Any hope of my …

You’ve Never Had It So Good!
Anglers these days don’t realise how lucky they are where groundbait is concerned, when I started fishing some thirty five years there wasn’t the fantastic array of colourful bags that greets the angler today. In my local tackle shop you had the choice of brown crumb or white crumb which was sold in brown paper bags. The white crumb was stickier when …

River Isle – Xmas Fayre – 7th December 2014
I find it hard to believe it’s nearly Xmas again, where does the time go? After not fishing last week I was really looking forward to the Xmas Fayre match but with hardly any rain all week the river was going to be low and clear and after a few hard frosts it was likely to be hard going for some. I got …

Fishery Focus – River Isle
I haven’t done a fishery focus for a while and a few people have suggested I do one on the River Isle so I thought I’ll cover the Ilminster AA stretches from Coxes down to Hambridge as these are the areas I know pretty well. I’ll try and point you in the direction of some of the better swims along with letting you …