Month: May 2016

Summerhayes – Open – 29th May 2016
When I phoned Pete to book in during the week, I’d forgotten to ask which lake we’d be on, I picked Janders up and he said it was on Sellicks and possibly Lily, depending on numbers so obviously as we pulled into the car park I was hoping not to see too many vehicles! We collected a couple of nets before paying …

Dillington Pond – Summer League 2 – 22nd May 2016
I got to the pub a bit earlier this week so I could have one of Cindy’s lovely breakfasts and although we were a few down on the last match there were still twelve anglers fishing which is a decent turnout and would also mean we could spread the pegs about a bit. Hopefully the extra room would help as a few …

Dillington Pond – Summer League 1 – 15th May 2016
With Rob on holiday somewhere exotic it was down to Hurf and me to organise the first match of the Summer League. Well, I say me but when I arrived at the Royal Oak just after 8:30, Hurf looked to be in total control (and with a hangover too!) so I ordered a sausage sarnie and coffee and said hello to everyone. …

Summerhayes – Open – 8th May 2016
The weather was glorious as I loaded the car and headed for Bridgwater and things got even better when I arrived and Pete said as there were fifteen anglers fishing today, we’d all be on Sellicks, so no Lily today! There was a match on Longs as well and just before they started, one of the anglers came up and had a …

Hebditch’s Pond – 7th May 2016
Harry once again very kindly let us fish the pond with everybody donating £5 to his charity of choice, The British Heart Foundation, a great cause. We all met at the Cartgate for a nice breakfast although I was a bit late and most people had already finished theirs – whoops, sorry Rob! It was great to see some new faces as …

Summerhayes – Open – 2nd May 2016
On Longs today and the format was the same as yesterday with the top three silvers and carp anglers framing and the payout split down the middle between carp and silvers. I went into the draw bucket late again as it had worked okay in the last couple of matches and this time peg 31 was the result, it wouldn’t my first choice but …

Summerhayes – Open – 1st May 2016
A double header at Summerhayes for me this weekend as it was a Bank Holiday (well it would be rude not to!), Sellicks and Lily today and Longs tomorrow. I picked Janders up on my way and we were soon pulling into the car park, it was nice to Mike Hosgood (who comes from somewhere near Exeter I believe!) as I hadn’t seen …