Month: February 2017

Blogging a Dead Horse
The title of this post isn’t particularly relevant but I just thought it was quite a good one! Well, firstly, thank you so much, the blog has hit and surpassed 500,000 hits, yes that’s half a million, that figure just seems incredible. In my last Random Ramblings I told you how the blog had nearly 130,000 hits in just over a year, it’s now …

Tinca Fishing XChange Landing Net Review
I was contacted recently by Tinca Fishing and asked if I would like to review their XChange Interchangeable Landing Net and as always my first port of call is Google to find out a little more about the product. The Tinca Fishing website looks fairly new and clicking on the products option revealed that currently the XChange Landing Net is the only …

River Isle – V.E.S. Precision League 7 – 19th February 2017
After last weeks bitterly cold conditions, it was lovely and mild all week and after a couple of very mediocre pegs in the last two river matches I was hoping for a better one to end this league on a high. A few of us met at the Little Chef again and it was great to see Harry again and Terry ‘The …

River Isle – Royal Oak Winter League 9 – 12th February 2017
After having a lovely day last Sunday, I spent most of the week praying for rain but it was dry and cold and it looked like we’d be in for another tough match on the river for the last league match. We even had a light dusting of snow on Saturday and waking up the following day, it was bitterly cold. A …

Dillington Pond – Open – 5th February 2017
More horrendous weather during the week with loads of rain and strong winds so Rob made the right decision to swap venues and hopefully with some colour in the pond, we should all get some bites. Although when I woke up we’d had a frost which probably wouldn’t do us any favours. After another really good Little Chef breakfast we headed to the pond for …