Month: April 2018

The Archives – Part 8 – More Adventures (1993)
1993 I was by now fishing a lot of Chard matches and we used to fish the reservoir regularly where there had been an explosion of three to the pound skimmers and it was fantastic fishing with some big weights caught, Les Braunton broke the match record with 76lb 14oz on six metres of pole to hand. I managed fourth place that day with …

Todber Manor – Open – 21st April 2018
I couldn’t fish this Sunday as I was going to one of my favourite bands, Propagandhi, in Bristol but I still needed my fishing fix so decided to book in and fish the Saturday open at Todber Manor. I’d really enjoyed it when I fished it last year and I’ll try and fish it a bit more this summer. Steve P was …

Perry St Pond – 15th April 2018
Standing in for Oz this week and I was hoping to do a better job than I did for Picky two weeks ago! We met at Millfield café and there was a full house of anglers fishing so no empty pegs next to Little Jack Horner this week! Also on Saturday, the weather had been lovely, proper spring like although any hope …

Ice Fishing – Diana and Steve Crook
At the Big One, whilst looking around all the stalls and stands we came across one manned by Diana and Steve Crook all about ice fishing, Hurf and myself stopped and had a long chat with them both and it was fascinating stuff, talking to them, they both obviously have a huge passion for this style of fishing and certainly know their stuff. …

Sadborow – 8th April 2018
I wasn’t sure where to go this weekend so when the Tart said they were having a knock up at Sadborow I said I’d be up for it, even if it did mean having to spend the day in the Tarts company! We met at ‘Spoons and over breakfast, I happened to mention that I didn’t fancy pegs 3 or 6, the former hasn’t …

GABY Fish Pillows Review
Looking for a gift for the angler in your life? Check out these fantastic GABY fish pillows, something a little different and they are just gorgeous, equally at home on the sofa or in a fisherman’s tackle den. They look really life like and the first time I saw one of the carp pillows in a classic ‘catch’ pose I had to look twice! They are …

Perry St Pond – 1st April 2018
After struggling on Friday, I was hoping for better things today, also it was April Fool’s Day but we’ve got our ‘Fool’ all year round, the Tart (aka Tail End Charlie). We met at ‘Spoons for breakfast again and there was a full house fishing today including Exeter Mike who’d been climbing the walls at home after breaking his wrist. I was fishing …