Month: December 2018

Perry St Pond – 30th December 2018
For the last outing of the year I booked into the Chard match at Perry St and I have to say it’s nice to just be able to turn up for breakfast and not have to worry about pegs, pools and everything else that goes with running matches. We met at ‘Spoons and the hash browns were back, was this a good …

Sadborow – 27th December 2018
I always try and get out a couple of times over the festive period and talking to the Tart he said he’d be up for a knock up at Sadborow, a venue I’ve really enjoyed fishing the last couple of years after not fishing it for a decade!. I’d also been contacted by Derek Hounsell, a lad who used to fish with …

River Isle – V.E.S. Precision League 3 – 23rd December 2018
HALLELUJAH!!!! – Despite some heavy rain earlier in the week, it finally relented and I was able to down tools and stop work on my Ark! I popped down to have a look at the river on Saturday lunchtime and although up and coloured, it looked nice and with no more rain forecast until the early hours, hopefully it would drop further …

Dillington Pond – 16th December 2018
After three weeks of not catching very much, I was really hoping we’d be able to get on the river for once and a nice days fishing would also be very welcome! Of course, after virtually no rain all week, Mother Nature once again conspired against us and it chucked it down on Saturday. I had to pop to Taunton and on my …

Angling as a Monitoring Tool – Steve Lockett
Angling as a Monitoring Tool A very wise person once said “to protect something, you first have to know what it is”. For anglers in the UK, there are very few surprises in terms of what species are in rivers and lakes, but in Asia, where mahseer swim in wild waters, the situation is very different. Since 2008, I have been visiting …

Dillington Pond – Xmas Fayre – 9th December 2018
The Xmas Fayre match is always well attended with several anglers fishing their only competition of the year and I have to say it’s a bit of nightmare to organise with getting everybody to pay their entry fees and trying to sort food and prizes. I must admit I was starting to find it quite stressful, especially when my dad was taken into …

Mr Grumpy
A photo of a rugby field is an odd way to begin an article related to fishing, but if you will cut me a little slack hopefully you will get the drift of what I am trying to get across. Having reached the age when I am now entitled to a government pittance the words of my much loved grandfather seem to …

Private Pond – Ilminster Warehouse League 4 – 2nd December 2018
After struggling for pegs on the river for the last round, I didn’t know what to do for round four but then somebody suggested asking a friend of ours if we could use his pond. It’s an intimate little venue at the bottom of his garden!, I’ve fished a few matches on it, a long, long time ago, before the blog even …