Month: November 2019

Dillington Pond – Ilminster Warehouse League 4 – 24th November 2019
Loads of rain towards the end of the week scuppered river matches all over the place and the Isle was one of the casualties so we were back on the pond again. Andy Saunders was fishing again and it was nice to see Baz Morgan and Scotty Russell who were both fishing their first Ilminster matches for a while. We hadn’t had …

River Isle – V.E.S. Precision League 2 – 17th November 2019
With rain towards the end of the week putting some colour in the river and the forecast for the weekend dry, everything looked set for a good match on the river. I met Rob Saturday afternoon and we walked the lower end and decided to put some pegs in at Hambridge which looked spot on along with Isle Brewers and a couple …

Dillington Pond – Ilminster vs Stoke – 10th November 2019
Although some rain was forecast for the weekend, it was still looking good for a river match and Terry ‘The Toast’ said he’d come down and help me peg it on the Saturday. Torrential rain overnight had me worried and when we got to Coxes it was up and raging, Isle Brewers was spot on but all that extra water hadn’t got …

FOX Match Carryall – A Fond Goodbye
I suppose this is a review of sorts although you can’t actually buy this product anymore! Most reviews you see are all about the latest kit with lots of glossy photos highlighting all the high tech features and snazzy graphics. To be fair some of the magazines do ‘Tried and tested’ or ‘Used and abused’ style articles where they look at items …

Dillington Pond – Ilminster Warehouse League 3 – 3rd November 2019
Plenty more of the wet stuff meant we were back on the pond for this one and after the last match where I’d fished for skimmers and only managed one, I was determined to just fish for roach this time as only 4lb 15oz won that day as I said to Terry ‘The Toast’, I was sure I could do a pound …

Keith Arthur Interview
Hi Keith, you must get loads of requests for interviews so thank you so much for agreeing to answer my questions; You’ve had a long and varied career in the angling industry, from working in fishing shops to making videos, writing for the Angling Times, Daiwa rep and presenting Sky Sports Tight Lines and Fisherman’s Blues’ on TalkSport radio. Did you always …