Month: May 2020

Dillington Pond – 24th May 2020
Before I get on to my latest post, I must just say a massive thanks to everyone for the amazing response from the last one, the messages, comments, e-mails and texts (quite a few from people not in the angling community) were overwhelming, humbling and I’m not ashamed to say I welled up several times. Several people also felt they could tell …

Fishing and your mental health
I wasn’t really sure where to go with this post, the seed was sort of sown when we were all put on lockdown and fishing suddenly became off limits. I don’t think most people realised the Corona crisis was going to be this serious, I certainly didn’t when we held our last match at Dillington on 22nd March. For the record (and …

Rob Hughes Interview
Hi Rob, I know you’re a very busy man, so thank you so much for agreeing to answer my questions; On your Facebook page it says you’re a ‘BT Sport Presenter, 2x World Champion, England Manager, CarpSpirit/Dynamite Team, writer, diver, author’ which of these keeps you the busiest? They’re all pretty busy to be honest. I love every part of my job …

The Archives – Part 19 – ‘Old Faithful’ (2000)
As much as I loved my fishing, I never used to do much prep and it undoubtedly cost me on numerous occasions, I had a few floats made up but certainly not the trays and trays of rigs and multiple hooklength boxes of today. Also my pole only had a few top kits so it was rare I set up more than …