Month: June 2020

Dillington Pond – 28th June 2020
Due to the Corona Virus, this years Summer League would be a shortened six match series and I was quite looking forward to it, hopefully it would fish a bit better than the last time pleasure session when I only had one chub! Even though Terry ‘The Toast’ was off zoo creature hunting at the Viaduct, Cafe Morgan was open for business …

Covey Fisheries – 21st June 2020
I’d really enjoyed my first match here a couple of weeks back and was looking forward to another go, the other good news was that Cafe Morgan was open again! The Breakfast Club assembled bright and early and once again Terry ‘The Toast’ had outdone himself, this week the Full English also had black pudding, I’ve never had it before as I …

The Archives – Part 20 – The Ides of March (2001)
Firstly, apologies for the title but I was struggling to come up with one for this instalment! New Year’s Day was supposed to be the teams of four on the Isle but it was flooded once again so Mark Leahy suggested we go to Stoford Mill near Yeovil for a sweep. It was my first visit and I had an enjoyable day …

Summerhayes – Open – 14th June 2020
I’d finally managed to get care sorted on a Sunday for dad but then I couldn’t find a match to fish! I messaged/phoned every venue I could think of and they were either full up or not running matches yet but then Roy H came to the rescue when he said he’d organise one at Summerhayes. It filled up quickly with 21 …

Covey Fisheries – 7th June 2020
I always enjoy fishing new venues so when I saw Stoke had a match at Covey, I booked in and then set about trying to find out some more about it. The lovely Steve Chant fishes it quite a bit so I messaged him and as always he was very helpful, it sounded nice with carp, silvers and F1’s (which I’ve never …

Hebditch’s Pond – Charity Match – 31st May 2020
After last week’s first trip out since lockdown and the massive headache of trying to arrange care for my dad on a Sunday, I decided I was going to wait until matches were back on the agenda before fishing again. Everything was pointing towards that happening in early June so when the Angling Trust announced on Facebook in the week that matches …