Month: November 2020

Avon Roach Project Book Review
Trevor from the Avon Roach Project did an interview for the blog last year (which can be found here if you haven’t read it) in it he mentioned a book was in the pipeline which was due out this year. I got hold of a copy and it’s a fascinating read, obviously through the interview and the project’s website and blog, I …

Dillington – The Evolution of a Pond – Part 2
2011 Double figure weights were still hard to come by and the majority of the matches were won by anglers fishing the whip. Top weight of the year (in the matches I fished) was Martin Heard with 13lb 10oz, I only managed a single win with 9lb 2oz in May when I fished the whip for half the match before catching some …

Chard Reservoir – 15th November 2020
Due to the second lockdown and matches off the agenda once again (hopefully only for a month), I wasn’t going to bother going out but with my poor old dad in various hospitals for over six weeks and me being on my own plus working from home, I was starting to go seriously stir crazy. I have to say a massive heartfelt thanks …

Dillington – The Evolution of a Pond – Part 1
2005 I first became aware of Dillington pond way back in 2005, it used to be a small irrigation pond but was dug out, made larger and stocked with a variety of species but no carp which was like a breath of fresh air! (although a few did find their way in from Long Ponds upstream). My first visit in March was …

Hebditch’s Pond – Charity Match – 1st November 2020
With only one league on the river this year, I’ve got plenty of gaps in my match diary so when I saw Stoke had arranged another charity match at Hebditch’s pond, I booked in and it filled up in just seven minutes after being posted on Facebook! I always enjoy fishing these matches, although the only downside is the Stoke lads do …