Month: May 2021

Exciting news!
I’m pleased and excited to announce I’ve secured sole land based distribution for Makin books including his brand new title, ‘The Golden Years – Match Fishing Memories’ which is out NOW. Get your copy HERE. I reviewed Fishing and Testicles a few years ago and suffice to say it’s very funny, check out my review – here. You can also buy a …

Todber Manor – Garbolino Club Angler Of The Year Qualifier – 26th May 2021
I fished this event for the first time last year and although I enjoyed doing something a bit different and didn’t disgrace myself, I was a long way off qualifying and my lack of experience at Todber and catching big weights of carp really showed. Being realistic, the chances of me qualifying for the final are very slim unless I draw an …

Dillington Pond – Enterprise Angling Summer League 2 – 23rd May 2021
For round two, we were a few down with several anglers fishing another Stoke charity match so it was down to me and my glamourous assistant, Fieldy, to arrange this one. Some really good news was that the bowling club was open again so we could go and sit down and have a proper breakfast. It was fantastic to be back and …

Where are we going?
I haven’t done a ‘Random Ramblings’ for a while but two recent events got me thinking, the first was the latest Guru Podcast with Will Raison which was an absolutely brilliant watch/listen. I think this is the seventh one they’ve done and I’ve had a look at them all, if I’m honest, in my opinion some have been better than others and …

Taunton and Bridgwater Canal – Angling Trust Pairs Qualifier – 16th May 2021
Something a bit different this week, I’d joined the Angling Trust so I could enter my first ever Fisho qualifier at Todber and then Russ Hilton asked if I’d like to fish the AT Pairs Qualifier on the T & B canal and I thought ‘Why not?’. I’ve known Russ for a fair few years now, he used to write an excellent …

Dillington Pond – Enterprise Angling Summer League 1 – 9th May 2021
For the first Summer League match we had 16 anglers booked in which is great to see, especially as it was touch and go whether it was actually going to happen with nobody to run it! Fair play to Jake and Leighton who basically had it dumped on them, Jake actually didn’t fish because he had a bad back but still gave …

Summerhayes – Open – 3rd May 2021
For the Bank Holiday matches, Pete splits the pools equally between carp and silvers which I think is a great idea. Originally it was going to be on Sellicks which I was really looking forward to as it’s my favourite lake but it was moved to Longs. The weather forecast for Monday was atrocious with 50mph winds predicted and heavy rain – …

Hebditch’s Pond – Charity Match – 2nd May 2021
Since matches have resumed, although it’s been nice to get back on the bank, I’ve had a pretty torrid time of it fishing-wise with the only highlight being a win at Harry’s pond, a venue I always enjoy fishing. We were back again for another charity match although it was only me and Rob from The Breakfast Club this time. We met …