Month: August 2021

Against Men and Fish – The Book
Writing the blog has allowed me to realise several ambitions, writing for Southern Angler, appearing in both Match Fishing magazine and Angler’s Mail but I always harboured a little dream of getting a book published. In my mind though, that was all it ever was, a pipe dream, as I had no real clue how to go about it or the mechanisms …

River Parrett – J. Irish Trophy – 22nd August 2021
It was back to Parrett Works for this one and another early start, Nick and Jenny very kindly offered to do breakfast rolls for us in the morning which were lovely. They wouldn’t accept any payment so we all bunged another fiver into the charity pot. With two river matches remaining it was tight in the race for the Memorial Shield where …

Dillington Pond – Enterprise Angling Summer League 7 – 15th August 2021
After John D won the last match from peg 6 with skimmers on the feeder, I decided to give my rod an airing for this one. I would still start on the pole but in previous rounds, I’d caught well for the first couple of hours before it slowed up, so this week I’d have the feeder line primed and ready. Well …

River Parrett – Mrs Williams Cup – 8th August 2021
It was back at Parrett Works for this one and Kirsty at The Ranch very kindly agreed to accommodate us at 6:00 for breakfast so it was yet another rude 5:00 alarm. Once we’d eaten it was across the road and we could now draw our own pegs again. There was another great turn out of 18 anglers. I was hoping to …

Dillington Pond – Enterprise Angling Summer League 6 – 1st August 2021
Another early start and I must admit it was a struggle to get out of my pit (never realised catching 11oz could be so tiring!), I got to the bowling club just at Steve ‘The Pole’ turned up, he let me have my bait and there was a little present in there as well. I opened the box and it was a …

Summerhayes – Clive Cunningham’s Memorial Match – 31st July 2021
I don’t fish many Saturday matches but when I saw it was Clive’s memorial match and silvers only on Sellicks, I thought I’d give it a go as I haven’t been to Summerhayes for a while. Rob also said he fancied it so I booked us in for breakfast at the Brewer’s Fayre in Taunton and it was very good once again. …