Day: 6 November 2021

Hebditch’s Pond – Charity Match – 3rd November 2021
Another day off work and another match (I could get used to this!). I hadn’t fished the pond since July when it fished it’s head off, the last match here fished quite hard and with the second frost in two days, I thought it might be similar today with 30lb a good weight. Massive thanks to Jake Berkley and The Grand Wizard …

Revels Fishery – Open – 2nd November 2021
I’ve been trying to get to Revels as much as possible for the Tuesday opens but I’m fast running out of leave at work (lottery win required please). The fishing is right up my street, quality silvers without too much carp trouble and I’ve had some good results (drawing decent silvers pegs obviously helps). I even managed an overall win with some …