Month: December 2021

Revels Fishery – Silvers Open – 30th December 2021
I was back at Revels for the silvers open and once again the weather was bloody horrible but there was still a great turnout of 15 anglers including Trevor Holmes who I hadn’t seen for years. Several lakes were being used and when the draw commenced, John Barker got peg 20 on Main Lake which is a great silvers peg although its …

Revels Fishery – Open – 28th December 2021
After a really lovely few days of eating too much and watching lots of telly (the Mortimer & Whitehouse Xmas Special was just brilliant), I was gagging to get out and had several matches planned, starting with the open at Revels on Tuesday. I was up early and as I loaded the car, the temperature didn’t feel too bad but it was …

Dillington Pond – Pete Lonton Pairs – 19th December 2021
In memory of Pete, who sadly passed away this year, the club decided to hold a pairs match in his memory. It would be split between the Isle and the pond and I was fishing with Terry ‘The Toast’ once again. Given my recent form on the river (blank, blank and 5oz), it was decided I would be better off at Dillington! …

Ash Ponds – Stoke Xmas Fayre – 12th December 2021
For my third Xmas match on the trot, it was Stokes turn to provide the festive fun and hopefully some fish! Not only was it my first time fishing this event, it was also on a new venue for me, Ash Ponds. I initially thought it was the Ash Ponds I fished with Ilminster and Chard many years ago but that was …

River Isle – Chris Patten Xmas Fayre – 5th December 2021
For the second of my trilogy of festive fixtures, it was the Chris Patten Xmas Fayre. Another match I always look forward to although after blanking in the previous two river matches, I didn’t want to make it a hat trick! The day got off to a great start at the bowling club with a cracking breakfast and plenty of banter. Always …