Month: April 2022

Revels Fishery – 24th April 2022
The next Stoke match was at Revels and I was really looking forward to it, especially after Tuesday’s open had seen some good silvers weights. I was up early as a lot of us were meeting in Yeovil for breakfast. As we walked in, Andy S noticed a vending machine selling dinosaurs so he stuck a nugget in and bought one. It …

New Hybrid Elastic Review
Back in 2020, I won some Hybrid Elastic after entering a competition on Facebook, I did a review at the time (which can be found here) and then updated that post nearly a year later with the elastic still going strong. Well it’s now a further eight months on from that update and it hasn’t needed changing (maybe I just don’t catch …

Summerhayes – Open – 18th April 2022
For my third match in four days, I was back at Summerhayes and it was on Longs this time. After meeting Nick and Jenny in Taunton for breakfast we headed to the venue. The car park was filling up fast with 21 anglers booked in, unfortunately one of those was The Tart who was seriously flagging after fishing every day. With a …

Hebditch’s Pond – Charity Match – 17th April 2022
Match two of three and I always look forward to these charity matches, a cracking venue, great banter with a lovely bunch of people and hopefully a few fish too. As always we got the day off to the perfect start with a fantastic breakfast at the bowling club (thanks Charlotte and Drew) before heading to the draw. After everybody had arrived …

Summerhayes – Open – 15th April 2022
With it being Easter and a long weekend, I always try and fit a few matches in so would be at Summerhayes on Friday and Monday and Hebditch’s on the Sunday for a charity match which I was really looking forward to. I could have fished at Summerhayes on the Saturday as well but I just can’t do four days on the …

Stoke AA Presentation Night
Saturday 9th April I haven’t been to a presentation evening for a very long time as fishing for trophies just sort of fizzled out with the clubs I belonged to, I can’t really recall why and I have to say I rather miss it! Anyway due to Covid, Stoke didn’t have one last year so this would be a double one. Chris …

Summerhayes – Open – 10th April 2022
It was back to Summerhayes for another match on Sellicks this week and after a frost with 20 anglers fishing, I felt it would fish hard like the last time we were here with around 60lb to win overall and 8lb to take the silvers. I met Nick in Taunton for breakfast before we headed to the fishery and very nice it …

Revels Fishery – Open – 5th April 2022
I’ve absolutely loved fishing twice a week with the last five Tuesdays spent at Revels but with my annual leave used up, this would be the last one for a little while. In four of those I’ve drawn good silvers areas and enjoyed myself so much I didn’t want the matches to end, culminating in my best day yet last Tuesday when …

Landsend – 3rd April 2022
After a really enjoyable first visit for ages a couple of weeks ago, I was back again for a Stoke match. I had to defrost the car in the morning and it was a decidedly chilly start, the Ilminster posse met at the garage and headed off in convoy (10-4 rubber duck!). We had breakfast at the fishery and then the 16 …

Lakeview – 31st March 2022
As I had a week off work, I wanted to get out somewhere on Thursday so asked The Tart if he knew of anything and he said they were having a match at Lakeview if I fancied it and he invited Terry as well. I’d only fished it once back in 2019 and that day I’d been unfortunate to draw next to …