Month: February 2023

Acorn Fishery – Open – 25th February 2023
I was looking forward to another Saturday at Acorn although it was all change again with our crazy weather and I had to defrost the car in the morning. After meeting Nick and Jenny in Ilminster, we headed to Acorn via a pitstop at a burger van in Clevedon for breakfast which was very nice. A great turnout again including Tom Thick …

Summerhayes – Open – 19th February 2023
Sunday kicked off with another lush bowling club brekkie thanks to Charlotte and we were joined by the Grand Wiz and Burnsey who were off to Trinity for the open. With our bellies full, we headed to Summerhayes and when we arrived, the car park was already busy with 21 anglers booked in. Pete announced the draw starting with the golden peg …

Acorn Fishery – Open – 18th February 2023
For this weekend’s opener, it was back to Acorn for another of Chris Fox’s matches, I’ve been loving the silvers fishing but the carp are starting to wake up now as well. I met Steve ‘The Carp Slayer’ Parker, Nick ‘The Verminator’ Payne and Jenny before heading to Clevedon. We tried the Bridge Inn for breakfast which is just up the road …

Summerhayes – Open – 12th February 2023
After a serious case of deja vu at Revels yesterday when I drew peg 46 for the second time and had virtually the same number of fish for exactly the same weight as last time, I was hoping for a similar experience on Sellicks today where hopefully I’d draw peg 20 again! Another cracking breakfast courtesy of Charlotte at the bowling club …

Revels Fishery – Silvers Open – 11th February 2023
Another double header weekend starting with a silvers open at Revels, the last few of these I’ve fished have had a couple of things in common, firstly the weather was absolutely atrocious and secondly, Middle lake is the place to draw and so far I’ve managed to avoid it! After meeting Nick and Jenny for breakfast in Yeovil, we headed to the …

Summerhayes – Open – 5th February 2023
Sunday were back at Summerhayes and I was really looking forward to fishing Sellicks again as it’s been a while. Before that we assembled at the bowling club for breakfast and I know I say it every time but it was superb once again (thanks Charlotte). We were joined by Chanter and the Grand Wiz who donated a pound to the Nugget-O-Meter …

Acorn Fishery – Open – 4th February 2023
I wasn’t going to fish this Saturday but when I saw Acorn advertise they were running an open, I couldn’t resist it so phoned and booked in. We met at Nick’s for breakfast, which was very nice and as he wouldn’t accept any payment, another £15 went in the Nugget-O-Meter. After arriving at the fishery we popped into the shop and paid …