Month: March 2023

Revels Fishery – Open – 28th March 2023
I haven’t been to Revels for a little while so with a week off work, I was looking forward to fishing the Tuesday open. After a great run of silvers results last year, my last few visits haven’t seen me do so well, to be fair the weather has been a huge factor and I keep drawing the wrong lake (that’s my …

Summerhayes – Open – 26th March 2023
Well, today didn’t get off to the best of starts! After a long day yesterday, I fell asleep in the chair and woke up at one ‘o’ clock in the morning (well actually 2:00 am after the clocks went forward), by the time I actually got to bed and went to sleep, it was gone 3:00 and my alarm was set for …

Acorn Fishery – Open – 25th March 2023
After a lovely day catching silvers last Saturday, I was hoping for more of the same today, of course as it was the weekend the forecast was for strong winds, fed up with it now! I was actually on time meeting Nick for once and then we headed up to Acorn via a breakfast pitstop which was very nice. We picked up …

Summerhayes – Open – 19th March 2023
The second match of the weekend was on Longs at Summerhayes, we met at bowling club for breakfast first which was quite busy with lots of the Stoke lads off to Trinity for a pairs match. After we’d eaten we headed to Bridgwater, pulling into the car park, spaces were at a premium with twenty booked in for the open and there …

Acorn Fishery – Open – 18th March 2023
The weekend soon arrived and after an early start I was only a little late meeting Nick at the garage in Ilminster (sorry mate!). We made good time and went to the burger van again and had an excellent bacon, sausage and egg bap before heading to the fishery. Seventeen anglers eagerly awaited the draw and with Des holding the bag, Zoe …

Dillington Pond – IAA Winter League 5 – 12th March 2023
On Sunday it was back to Dillington for the final round of the winter league and it was forecast to be a few degrees warmer than the previous day so hopefully it would fish well. We met at the bowling club for breakfast and then it was time for the draw. There were fifteen anglers originally booked in for this one but …

Acorn Fishery – Open – 11th March 2023
After blanking last weekend, I was hoping for a few bites this week at Acorn on Saturday and Dilly the following day. I met Nick in Ilminster and we headed to the Bridge Inn for breakfast, I ordered the large one last time which proved too much for me, this time I went for the standard with added toast and black pudding …

Hebditch’s Pond – 5th March 2023
Only one match for me this weekend as Parker ‘The Pole’ joined me on Saturday and we headed to The Big One in Farnborough for the first time in a few years. We met up with Norts there and it was a brilliant day, although some of the big players on the match scene were absent (Preston, Daiwa, Maver, Drennan and Matrix), …

Dillington Pond – IAA Winter League 4 – 26th February 2023
With the river fishing really patchily, the decision was made to move the remaining two rounds to Dillington where we should all get some bites. Although saying that, waking up to another frost wouldn’t do us any favours! We met at the bowling club for breakfast (excellent as ever) and then it was time for the all important draw with most people …