Month: May 2023

Dillington – IAA Summer League 2 – 28th May 2023
For round two of the IAA Summer League, it was our turn at Dillington. Everybody met at the bowling club for breakfast but we would do our draw at the pond due to a couple of factors. There was loads of that white willow fluff that is the bane of anglers lives at this time of year plus the Shindig festival was …

Summerhayes – Silvers Open – 27th May 2023
The first of three matches over the Bank Holiday was another silvers open at Summerhayes. The weather was glorious with 14 fishing today. Pete announced the draw, starting with the golden peg which was number 2 and when I got called up, I only pulled out the bonus ball again! It can be a great peg for silvers (and carp), normally when …

Hebditch’s Pond – Ruthie’s Cup – 24th May 2023
For round two of Ruthie’s Cup, we had a severely depleted turnout due to people having other commitments but the decision was made to go ahead as people had booked days off work and also a lack of other suitable dates. We met at the bowling club and had a lovely breakfast (thanks Drew). After a random open draw for the first …

Avalon Fisheries – 21st May 2023
The next Stoke match at Avalon was once again very popular with 28 anglers fishing, after breakfast at the bowling club, we arrived at the fishery about ten minutes before the draw time and the car park was rammed. Norts welcomed everyone before the usual scrum ensued as people delved into the bag of doom. I was hoping to get a peg …

Summerhayes – Silvers Open – 20th May 2023
Loads more reports on the way with a double header this weekend, a midweek match coming up and then yet another Bank Holiday with three more matches! First up, a silvers only match on Sellicks at Summerhayes. Only eight of us again today so loads of room, as Pete and Sally were away, Adie was in charge and spread us out with …

Summerhayes – Open – 14th May 2023
For my seventh match in nine days, it was back to Summerhayes which was pretty busy with a match on both lakes. We were on Longs with a good turnout of 22 anglers fishing and it was nice to see Paul Homewood and Steve Kedge for the first time in ages. When I got called up to draw, I pulled out number …

Acorn Fishery – Open – 13th May 2023
After two days of actually not fishing it was back to Acorn for one of Chris Fox’s excellent matches. We made the usual stop for breakfast which was lovely and then to the fishery. 23 fishing today including ‘Bunghole’ Bob Gullick who I haven’t seen for ages. Chris held aloft the bag of fate and after a spate of drawing the same …

Hebditch’s Pond – Ruthie’s Cup – 10th May 2023
For match day five, it was the first round of Ruthie’s Cup at Hebditch’s Pond. Fished for the first time last year, Ruthie’s Cup is a series of matches in memory of The Grand Wiz’s daughter who was cruelly taken far too early by cancer. With a trophy very kindly donated by Steve Chant, it was keenly contested with Chris Norton crowned …

Acorn Fishery – Costcutter – 9th May 2023
Match day four and it’s my birthday (I know, I know, hard paper round!), I always try and fish a match and this year I booked into the costcutter at Acorn. After an early start I stopped at the burger van for breakfast which was lovely and then onto the fishery. I picked up some bait, paid my pools and waited for …

Summerhayes – Open – 8th May 2023
Match day three saw me and Nick back at Summerhayes, we went to the Obridge in Taunton for breakfast and it was really good. The match was scheduled to be on Longs again today but Zooner had phoned me yesterday to say it had fished really hard and Pete had moved it to Sellicks which was good news. Another great turnout of …