Month: June 2023

River Parrett – Stoke vs Ilminster – 25th June 2023
Only one outing for me this weekend….. The Isle & Parrett Challenge Shield is always keenly contested and has now been running for five years, IAA are the current holders although we did only manage to fish the away leg (on the Parrett) last year. After an excellent brekkie at the bowling club we headed to Parrett Works for the draw where …

Summerhayes – Open – 18th June 2023
On Sunday we were back at Summerhayes and it was a busy one with a club match on Sellicks, another on half of Longs and us on the other side (pegs 2-21). Todays golden ball was number 21 and Bill ‘The Paste’ pulled that one out, I was well happy with peg 20 again where I’d won the last match I’d fished …

River Parrett – Evening Cup – 17th June 2023
If you follow the blog regularly, you’ll know over the last couple of years I’ve been doing rather a lot of fishing and have been visiting a handful of venues that suit my approach. Obviously this can lead to lots of posts that are very similar and I do find it’s a struggle to make them interesting (were they ever, some might …

Coombe Farm – IAA Summer League 3 – 11th June 2023
Round three of the Summer League and it was our turn at Coombe Farm again, after a great breakfast at the bowling club (thanks Charlotte) and lots of laughs it was time for the draw with everybody hoping to draw on the far side. Nick was well happy when Jenny pulled out 8 for him but my drawing arm is still malfunctioning …

Acorn Fishery – Open – 10th June 2023
It was back to Acorn on Saturday for another of Chris Fox’s opens and when draw time arrived, Jenny did the honours for Nick and pulled out a good one, bridge peg 21, I kept up my habit of drawing the same pegs when I was on 36 for the third time! Another really hot day was forecast but one of the …

Hebditch’s Pond – Ruthie’s Cup – 7th June 2023
For the penultimate round (the last one for me as I can’t make the final match on 21st June, stand ins are allowed so if anyone would like to fish, please get in touch) of Ruthie’s Cup, we had six fishing (well five and half as Norts was going to be a bit late). The Fabulous Five met for breakfast and with …

Thorney Lakes – 4th June 2023
The next Stoke match was at Thorney and very well attended with 26 anglers fishing. It was forecast to be a scorching hot day so The Grand Wiz and Mark (the owner) decided we would split the fish between three nets (silvers, small carp and larger ones), any carp over 10lb would be weighed and returned straight away and there would also …

Summerhayes – Silvers Open – 3rd June 2023
For the latest silvers open at Summerhayes, it was back on Longs with nine of us booked in. Today’s golden peg was number 4 on ‘Cyanide Straight’ which wouldn’t have been first choice for most but with loads of room it can be good. When it was my turn to draw, I pulled out peg 20 on the bottom bank which is …

Acorn Fishery – Short Pole Match – 29th May 2023
Something a bit different for me on Bank Holiday Monday, a short pole match at Acorn. Several venues run short pole leagues and matches but I’ve never fished one before. The length of pole varies (oh matron!) from top two only to top kit plus a couple of sections, today it would be top two plus three. After a nice breakfast, we …