
All posts by Jamie Rich

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Lockdown Q & A – Interview with Vic Bush

Hi Vic, thank you very much for agreeing to answer my questions, Firstly can you tell us a little bit about yourself, how you got into fishing and the first fish you caught? I didn’t start fishing until I was in my late teens, I was more interested in football, tennis and ice skating back then. My first trip was to Longleat

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Lockdown Q & A – Interview with Dan Baldwin

Hi Dan, thank you for agreeing to be another interviewee in my Lockdown Q & A series, A nice easy one to start with, can you tell us a little bit about how you got into fishing and the first fish you caught? My stepdad (Geoff Charman) used to go salmon fishing in Wales and Scotland several weeks a year. That would


Lockdown Q & A – Interview with Baz Morgan

Hi Baz, thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions; I’ve known you for a long time but can you tell the readers a bit about yourself, how you got into fishing and what was your first fish? 67 years old, engineer by trade but have been in the fishing tackle business for the last 30 years. I

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Lockdown Q & A – Interview with Tony Rixon

Hi Tony, thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions; Our paths first crossed a long time ago when you used to come and fish the Chard Pairs League at Perry St Pond, Sadborow, Howley and Chard resi, tell us a bit about yourself how you got into fishing and what was your first fish? Chard Pairs, that

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Lockdown Q & A – Interview with Paul Homewood

Hi Paul, thank you very much for taking the time to answer my questions, Our paths frequently cross at various venues in the South West but you haven’t got a Zummerset accent so tell us a little bit about your younger years and where you grew up? I grew up on a small-ish council estate in a village about 3 miles south

Irish Festival

Lockdown Q & A – Interview with Ivan Currie

In my last post I asked if anybody had suggestions for blog posts while we’re in lockdown and several people got in touch and suggested interviews with local anglers, so here’s the first and hopefully I’ve got a few more lined up. Hi Ivan, thank you very much for taking the time to answer my questions, You’ve been blogging a long time,

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How are you coping with Lockdown Version 3.0?

If you’re anything like me, the answer is probably, ‘Not very well!’ After two lockdowns and with several vaccines approved, I really thought there was light at the end of the tunnel and wasn’t expecting to begin a new year in yet another lockdown, with the virus seemingly getting worse rather than better! As I type this, fishing is still allowed as

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2020 Yearly Review

January 2020 A few of us decided to have a knock up at Sadborow before the Xmas break was over, I drew peg 7 which I was happy with and had a steady start but I fell behind the others and couldn’t catch up, I did land a big chub which was easily 4lb 8oz and would have been a new pb

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Sadborow – Brendon’s Bonus Bash! – 30th December 2020

Now in it’s third year, Brendon’s Bonus Bash has become a yearly tradition, it’s not really a match, just a knock up between mates and we normally have a right laugh with lots of talk about Oak trees, ghost carp and otter dogs among many other diverse subjects, some of which are far from suitable for publication here! I popped over to

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Covey Fisheries – Open – 29th December 2020

I always try and fit a few matches in over the festive period so when Chanter contacted me and said he was running another open at Covey, I jumped at the chance. With a fairly early draw, Greggs wasn’t open so I went to Costa and had a less than inspiring bacon roll which wasn’t cheap either! Then it was off to