Category: Acorn Fishery

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Acorn Fishery – Charlie Barnes Memorial Match – 21st October 2023

The first time I fished Acorn was this match last year and I absolutely loved it (if you haven’t seen that report it’s here), it was held in December and being colder the weights were fairly modest and carp weren’t too much of a problem. This year it was a little earlier and with the weather still very mild, the silvers weights

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Acorn Fishery – Open – 14th October 2023

Saturday was the final match in Chris Fox’s summer series which Gareth Boycott had sown up with a match to spare. After breakfast we got to the fishery in good time and had a look round the now complete lake which brings the number of pegs up to 40 (I think!). Chris announced the draw and after delving into the bag, I

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Acorn Fishery – Open – 23rd September 2023

On Saturday I was back at Acorn for the latest of Chris Fox’s matches, my last visit was six weeks ago but I’d been keeping an eye on the results and peg 40 has been the one to draw for silvers. After breakfast, Nick and me were at the fishery in good time to get some bait along with bits and bobs

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Acorn Fishery – Open – 12th August 2023

Saturday and it was back to Acorn and Norts (Stoke AA’s ex Club Angler of the Year) was looking forward to fishing it for the first time. After the usual breakfast stop we made the short drive to the fishery. Chris Fox announced the draw and it was back to drawing the same pegs for me when I pulled out number 1

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Acorn Fishery – Open – 22nd July 2023

I’ve only just caught up with last weekend’s reports and it’s time to start again with another trip up to Acorn for (hopefully) a nice day fishing for silvers. Of course as it’s the weekend, the forecast was pretty rubbish with lots of rain and strong winds on the agenda – great! Despite the weather, the match was a sell out with

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Acorn Fishery – Short Pole Match – 15th July 2023

I really enjoyed my first short pole match here a few weeks back so when I saw they had another coming up I booked straight on along with Nick and Andy S also said he fancied it. Of course as the weekend approached so did the crappy weather with strong winds and loads of rain, I expect nothing less anymore! I met

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Acorn Fishery – Open – 10th June 2023

It was back to Acorn on Saturday for another of Chris Fox’s opens and when draw time arrived, Jenny did the honours for Nick and pulled out a good one, bridge peg 21, I kept up my habit of drawing the same pegs when I was on 36 for the third time! Another really hot day was forecast but one of the

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Acorn Fishery – Short Pole Match – 29th May 2023

Something a bit different for me on Bank Holiday Monday, a short pole match at Acorn. Several venues run short pole leagues and matches but I’ve never fished one before. The length of pole varies (oh matron!) from top two only to top kit plus a couple of sections, today it would be top two plus three. After a nice breakfast, we

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Acorn Fishery – Open – 13th May 2023

After two days of actually not fishing it was back to Acorn for one of Chris Fox’s excellent matches. We made the usual stop for breakfast which was lovely and then to the fishery. 23 fishing today including ‘Bunghole’ Bob Gullick who I haven’t seen for ages. Chris held aloft the bag of fate and after a spate of drawing the same

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Acorn Fishery – Costcutter – 9th May 2023

Match day four and it’s my birthday (I know, I know, hard paper round!), I always try and fish a match and this year I booked into the costcutter at Acorn. After an early start I stopped at the burger van for breakfast which was lovely and then onto the fishery. I picked up some bait, paid my pools and waited for