Category: Coombe Farm

Dillington Pond – Ilminster vs Stoke – 3rd November 2024
After the first leg on the Parrett we were 11 points behind Stoke which put them in a great position and I thought it might be too big a deficit to claw back in the return fixture. The 26 anglers would be split over Dillington and Coombe with the former my home for the day. We met at the bowling club for …

Coombe Farm – IAA Summer League 5 – 9th June 2024
For the penultimate round of the summer league, we were back at Coombe and it was my turn on pegs 4, 5 or 7. In all four matches so far, peg 5 has been the one to draw, winning the section every time. After a lovely brekkie at the bowling club (thanks Charlotte) it was time for the draw and I had …

Coombe Farm – IAA Summer League 3 – 12th May 2024
Round three of the summer league and we were back at Coombe and I would be on pegs 1, 2 or 3. At the moment you need to catch big carp to do well and these seem to be mainly showing on the end pegs 1, 5 and 10. I’d even packed my feeder rod and bought some new 8lb line and …

Coombe Farm – IAA Summer League 1 – 14th April 2024
This year the Summer League was starting a little earlier and was basically the same format as the previous year apart from a few little tweaks. Before the first match Rob did a draw to decide who would be at each venue. For the first round, it would be draw and choose which would determine your section of three anglers for the …

Coombe Farm – IAA Summer League 6 – 10th September 2023
Sunday we were at Coombe for the final round of the IAA Summer League (very kindly sponsored by the SPAR, Ilminster). After five matches, there were only two anglers in with a shout of winning it, Norts and Bagger Burton. If Chris won his section again, he couldn’t be caught but if he finished second and Ian won his three peg section, …

Coombe Farm – IAA Summer League 3 – 11th June 2023
Round three of the Summer League and it was our turn at Coombe Farm again, after a great breakfast at the bowling club (thanks Charlotte) and lots of laughs it was time for the draw with everybody hoping to draw on the far side. Nick was well happy when Jenny pulled out 8 for him but my drawing arm is still malfunctioning …

Coombe Farm – IAA Summer League 1 – 7th May 2023
This year the IAA Summer League is being split between Coombe Farm and Dillington with the anglers fishing both venues three times. Rob did a live draw on Facebook in the week so we all knew which lake we would be on and for the first match it was Coombe for me. In the morning, the bowling club was busy with the …

Coombe Farm – IAA Spar Summer League 3 – 11th September 2022
After two rounds were cancelled due to the heat wave, we finally managed to get back to Coombe Farm for the third match of the IAA Spar Summer League. It was my turn on the top lake again and although in the previous two matches, all the big weights had come from the Main lake, Rob had tweaked the pools slightly to …

Coombe Farm – IAA Spar Summer League 2 – 12th June 2022
For round two of the IAA Spar sponsored Summer League, we were swapping lakes and after Jake’s fantastic 75lb weight of skimmers in the last round, those of us on the bottom lake this time were hoping it would fish as well again. After another excellent breakfast at the bowling club, it was time for the draw starting with the anglers on …

Coombe Farm – IAA Spar Summer League 1 – 15th May 2022
I was really looking forward to the start of our Summer League, which this year is being sponsored by the Spar in Ilminster, so a massive thanks to them for supporting us. We were fishing a new venue in the shape of Coombe Farm who were letting us have a five round series. In the exploratory match back in February, it had …