Category: Hebditch’s Pond

Hebditch’s Pond – Ruthie’s Cup – 7th July 2024
The final round of Ruthie’s Cup arrived and there were five anglers still in with a shout of winning, Roy and Nick were both on 11 points with Burnsey, Craig L and Harry all just a point behind. The draw would be crucial and the stand out pegs in each section so far had been 14 at Thorney and 3, 4 and …

Hebditch’s Pond – Ruthie’s Cup – 23rd June 2024
For the penultimate round of Ruthie’s Cup we were back at Hebditch’s Pond, we met at The Ranch for breakfast which was lovely although somebody rushed off without paying, not mentioning any names but the rumour was he couldn’t wait to get to Thorney for Nudefest! With several anglers on 7 points, I was in the chasing pack on 6 but would …

Hebditch’s Pond – Ruthie’s Cup – 16th June 2024
Round two of Ruthie’s Cup and we were at Hebditch’s Pond, we all met at The Ranch for breakfast and were well looked after by Kirsty before it was time for the draw. It was pegs 12, 1, 2 and 3 for us this week with everyone hoping to draw 3 which along with 4 in the next section have been the …

Hebditch’s Pond – Ruthie’s Cup – 7th June 2023
For the penultimate round (the last one for me as I can’t make the final match on 21st June, stand ins are allowed so if anyone would like to fish, please get in touch) of Ruthie’s Cup, we had six fishing (well five and half as Norts was going to be a bit late). The Fabulous Five met for breakfast and with …

Hebditch’s Pond – Ruthie’s Cup – 24th May 2023
For round two of Ruthie’s Cup, we had a severely depleted turnout due to people having other commitments but the decision was made to go ahead as people had booked days off work and also a lack of other suitable dates. We met at the bowling club and had a lovely breakfast (thanks Drew). After a random open draw for the first …

Hebditch’s Pond – Ruthie’s Cup – 10th May 2023
For match day five, it was the first round of Ruthie’s Cup at Hebditch’s Pond. Fished for the first time last year, Ruthie’s Cup is a series of matches in memory of The Grand Wiz’s daughter who was cruelly taken far too early by cancer. With a trophy very kindly donated by Steve Chant, it was keenly contested with Chris Norton crowned …

Hebditch’s Pond – 5th March 2023
Only one match for me this weekend as Parker ‘The Pole’ joined me on Saturday and we headed to The Big One in Farnborough for the first time in a few years. We met up with Norts there and it was a brilliant day, although some of the big players on the match scene were absent (Preston, Daiwa, Maver, Drennan and Matrix), …

Hebditch’s Pond – Ruthie’s Cup – 16th November 2022
It was the third and final match for Ruthie’s Cup on Wednesday and I could get used to this fishing three times a week! We all met at Cartgate for breakfast which was good although there was some confusion with several of the orders! Then it was time for the draw and it was my turn in the middle section. Pegs 5 …

Hebditch’s Pond – Ruthie’s Cup – 12th October 2022
With several cancellations due to the extremely hot weather and low water levels, we were finally able to hold the second match of Ruthie’s Cup, over three months on! As it’s now getting darker earlier we had to bring the draw and finish times forward a bit as well. We all met at Cartgate for breakfast, the first time I’ve been for …

Hebditch’s Pond – Ruthie’s Cup – 6th July 2022
Stoke AA raise a lot of money for the Oncology Unit at Yeovil Hospital (I think it was a fantastic £2000 last year) and it’s a cause close to so many peoples hearts as there aren’t many that haven’t been touched in some way by cancer. Chris White very recently lost his daughter, Ruthie, to that vile disease so he and Harry …