Category: Ilminster Canal

Ilminster Canal – V.E.S. Precision League 5 – 23rd February 2020
Before I get on to this weeks match, I had some very sad news on Saturday when Martin Heard phoned me to say that Malcolm Levy had passed away last Wednesday aged 84. I’ve known Malcolm or ‘The Old Fossil’ as he was affectionately known for getting on for twenty years, he used to travel with Martin and they made for a …

Ilminster Canal – 22nd December 2019
With the crazy amount of rain we’ve been getting I don’t think anyone expected to get on the river this week and we went from having nine or ten booked in to just six and when I walked into the bowling club on Sunday morning we were down to just four, so a knock up then! For a change we thought we’d …

Ilminster Canal – Ilminster Warehouse League 6 – 27th January 2019
This magical mystery tour of a league continues and I have to say I’m really enjoying it, admittedly it’s been a bit of a roller coaster and quite hard work trying to find different places to fish but I always get a real buzz when the float goes under for the first time at a new venue. For this match Terry and …

Dillington Pond/Ilminster Canal – Xmas Fayre – 3rd December 2017
The Xmas Fayre is always well attended with several anglers fishing who only ever fish one or two matches a year. The twenty anglers would be split over the two venues, Dillington Pond and Ilminster Canal and I really fancied having a crack at the latter as I love the canal and haven’t fished it for ages. I got to the Bowling Club …

Ilminster Canal – V.E.S. Precision League 2 – 27th October 2013
With load of rain in the week and more on Saturday night, it was always going to be touch and go whether this match would be on the river, I got to the pub and Rob said we were down the canal today which was fine by be as it’s one of my favourite venues. Fieldy was back from his holidays although …

My Top Ten Match Wins
I haven’t done a ‘Hit Parade’ for a while and as I seem to be having a bad run at the moment I thought I’d list some of the matches when I actually caught some fish! I’ve been fishing competitions for 34 years and during that time I’ve experienced plenty of highs and lows and that’s what makes it so addictive. For weeks …

Ilminster AA Junior Match – Canal – 17th August 2013
When Scott Jackson asked if I’d go down and cover the junior match on the canal today, I said I’d be more than happy to. I also contacted Bait Tech to see if they’d be willing to sponsor the event and the lovely Hayley has been fantastic. I popped over to Tackleuk to pick up some bait for tomorrow and the lads …

Fishery Focus – Ilminster Canal
This weeks Fishery Focus is on Ilminster Canal and it’s a venue that’s very dear to my heart. Although my first ever fishing trip was to the Isle, I spent most of my younger years down the canal as it was only a short walk from where I lived. I’ve seen it go from a stagnant pond to a cracking little wild …

It’s a funny old game – My Top Ten Posts
Match fishing, it’s a funny old game and that’s why I love it so much. You never know what’s going to happen and I think that’s what keeps us going week after week. You can be the best angler in the world but if the fish aren’t in your peg or they’re not feeding, World Champions can blank like the rest of …