Category: Mullet

Mullet Mecca Revisited – Pete Bluett
In late September, Jenny and I made our latest trip to County Cork in Ireland, and just like last year, it didn’t disappoint. The added bonus was that this year we were able to fly from our local airport at Newquay, meaning our travel time from walking out of our door at home to arriving at our digs in Rosscarbery was just …

The River Camel – Pete Bluett
The River Camel rises on the edge of Bodmin Moor and flows south west through the town of Camelford towards Bodmin. Just outside Bodmin the river turns through 90 degrees and heads north west towards the north coast and the sea. 8km downstream of Bodmin the river bisects the town of Wadebridge before flowing another 10km past Padstow and out into the …

Mullet Nirvana in Ireland – Pete Bluett
My latest guest post is Pete’s account of a dream trip to mullet nirvana in Ireland. My partner Jenny and I have just returned from our annual mullet fishing trip to the Republic of Ireland. As usual, the destination was Rosscarbery in west Cork. What a week it turned out to be. The town of Rosscarbery sits at the top of a …

Mullet Fishing by Pete Bluett – Part 2
In part 2 of Pete’s excellent article he explains the methods he uses to target mullet. Methods The following methods are those that I currently use to catch thick lips. They will almost certainly seem impossibly crude to seasoned coarse anglers, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned in all my years chasing mullet, it’s to keep it simple. I have found …

Mullet Fishing by Pete Bluett – Part 1
My latest guest blog is one I’ve been looking forward to for a while now, regular visitors to the blog will have read about my efforts at trying to catch mullet over the years without a great deal of success so I was well chuffed when National Mullet Club Catch Recorder, Pete Bluett, agreed to pen an article about mullet fishing for me. Loads of great …

River Exe – 7th September 2013
I didn’t have anything planned for today and was going to have a lazy day but that all changed when I had a text from fellow blogger, Russell Hilton. He asked if I fancied doing something today and as I hadn’t seen him since our (unsuccessful) pike trip, I jumped at the chance of a day out. He fancied a go at …

Return To Seaton Part 2 – 3rd August 2013
After seeing all those mullet last Saturday, we just had to have another crack at them and with the sun shining, I was only a few minutes late picking Andy up. We popped into the Tesco’s in Seaton for some loaves of bread before going to the little café by the tackle shop for a fantastic bacon and sausage sarnie, which has been …

Return To Seaton – 27th July 2013
I’ve been gagging to get back down to Seaton after those mullet and with all the nice weather we’ve been having, Andy said he fancied another trip. I was awake pretty early and looking forward to it although the sky was a bit grey. As always I was a bit late picking Andy up and after a quick pit stop to pick …

Seaton – Chasing Silver Shadows – 31st March 2012
After yesterdays disappointing trip to try and catch bream down the resi, today me and Andy were off to Seaton to try and catch a mullet, a new species for both of us. The problem was neither of us knew anything about them or how to catch them! I’d tried doing some research but all I really found out was that bread …