Category: Perry St Pond

Perry St Pond – Spring League 1 – 15th March 2020
I always look forward to this league as the fishing is normally really good, the breakfasts are superb and the banter even better! In the week leading up to the first match, the world went mad as the Corona Virus sent everybody into a blind panic with supermarket shelves empty of bog roll and pasta and sporting events called off all over …

Perry St Pond – 29th December 2019
With a free date in the Ilminster club ticket and lots of people away, I booked into the Chard match at Perry St and it’s nice to be able to just turn up and enjoy breakfast (even if the Tart was there!) and not have to worry about taking money and people moaning about pegs etc. I was up early and met …

Perry St Pond – Spring League 9 – 28th July 2019
The final match arrived and the two gladiators prepared to do battle one last time, in the red corner was Steve ‘The Carp Slayer’ Bush and in the orange corner was Brendon ‘The Beastmaster’ Ions (aka The Tart). Only one point separating them after eight matches but who would emerge from the ring victorious? Bushy held the slender advantage and a section …

Perry St Pond – Spring League 7 – 30th June 2019
As we reach the business end of the league, the only thing separating the Tart and Bushy at the top of the table is weight as they stand toe to toe trading blows like a couple of duelling piscators! Who would be the first to concede ground? Perry High was the destination for our section today and I was hoping to avoid …

Perry St Pond – Spring League 6 – 16th June 2019
For round six our destination was Perry Low and most of us met at Millfield cafe for another fantastic breakfast before heading out the pond to do the draw. Once again it looked like the British Summer was on hold as while we were unloading the cars, it chucked it down! Smithy took shelter in the back of his van but more …

Perry St Pond – Spring League 4 – 19th May 2019
After three rounds, there was another open draw for sections which put me in with the Tart (so no chance of drawing a corner then!) and they also re-jigged the pegging slightly with Perry St reverting to the high and low numbers and the section draw put us on the high numbers this week (pegs 11 to 20). Another brilliant breakfast at …

Perry St Pond – Spring League 3 – 5th May 2019
For round three my destination was A section at Perry St and I was hoping to draw pegs 4, 5 or 17 as they all have plenty of room and they’ve been the most consistent pegs in the first two matches. After another fantastic Millfield cafe breakfast we headed out to Perry St to do the draw. The Sadborow section drew first …

Perry St Pond – Spring League 1 – 7th April 2019
For this year’s league, there would be three sections, two at Perry St and one at Sadborow, for the first match there would be an open draw and you would be in the same section of seven anglers for three matches and then there would be another open draw, which I think is a really fair way of doing it. We met …

Perry St Pond – 24th March 2019
With the Spring League starting in two weeks, this match was a bit of a practice for those fishing the league and after a really good day at the Big One yesterday, I woke up, the sun was shining and I was really looking forward to this match and before that, another lovely Millfield cafe breakfast. I made a flask and went …

Perry St Pond – 30th December 2018
For the last outing of the year I booked into the Chard match at Perry St and I have to say it’s nice to just be able to turn up for breakfast and not have to worry about pegs, pools and everything else that goes with running matches. We met at ‘Spoons and the hash browns were back, was this a good …