Category: Perry St Pond

Perry St Pond – 24th June 2018
It was the last league match this week and I was standing in for Yardie, we all knew which pegs we’d be on and my home for the day would be peg 16. Not my favourite area if I’m honest although Picky had done well off it in the last match. After another excellent Millfield café brekkie, we all headed out the pond, …

Perry St Pond – 10th June 2018
I thought I was standing in for Chilly this week but when I got to the café, Les said I was fishing for Grandad Young instead and I wasn’t overly impressed when somebody told me I’d either be on peg 1 or 17 today. When Les opened the draw sequence envelope, I was on peg 1 – great! It’s a peg I …

Perry St Pond – 27th May 2018
I was standing in for Picky again for this match and I was hoping I’d do better than the last time I fished for him! On the plus side, it would be very difficult to do any worse! On Saturday night we had thunderstorms with crazy lightning and the forecasters were saying there was a chance of more on Sunday – great! On waking up, …

Perry St Pond – 15th April 2018
Standing in for Oz this week and I was hoping to do a better job than I did for Picky two weeks ago! We met at Millfield café and there was a full house of anglers fishing so no empty pegs next to Little Jack Horner this week! Also on Saturday, the weather had been lovely, proper spring like although any hope …

Perry St Pond – 1st April 2018
After struggling on Friday, I was hoping for better things today, also it was April Fool’s Day but we’ve got our ‘Fool’ all year round, the Tart (aka Tail End Charlie). We met at ‘Spoons for breakfast again and there was a full house fishing today including Exeter Mike who’d been climbing the walls at home after breaking his wrist. I was fishing …

Perry St Pond – 25th March 2018
After being snowed off last week, it was rescheduled for today with people on the same pegs although as a stand-in, I was fishing for Chilly last Sunday and Exeter Mike this time around which put me on peg 14 so I hadn’t moved far! The Tart was obviously desperate to get his pound back as he’d been out three times in the week practising …

Perry St Pond – 24th December 2017
With it being Xmas Eve I wasn’t going to fish but the thought of going nearly two weeks without my fishing fix didn’t really appeal. If possible I wanted to stay local but I knew Ilminster didn’t have anything on so I text Les who said they were going out Perry St and I could fish, perfect. Of course it didn’t take …

Perry St Pond – League 9 – 6th August 2017
The final match arrived and the low numbers would be my home for the day, after another excellent Millfield café brekkie we all headed out to Perry St to do the draw with the guys at Sadborow going first where the top three would battle it out for the title. Howard was on peg 1 with Shane on 5 and Exeter Mike …

Perry St Pond – League 8 – 23rd July 2017
I was on the high numbers at Perry St for the penultimate league match but with lots of rain over the last few days and the temperature down a few notches, I wasn’t sure my usual shallow approach would work today but just in case I actually gave my favourite dibber some tender loving care and made up a new rig. Another brilliant Millfield breakfast set …

Perry St Pond – League 5 – 18th June 2017
The high numbers at Perry St were my destination for round five and following another cracking breakfast at Millfield café we headed out the pond to do the draw. The first thing I saw when I got out of the car was Torquay’s geriatric answer to Adam Ant! I wouldn’t say Geoff was a grumpy old bugger but the back of his shirt …