Category: Random Ramblings

Eight Things To Do In Lockdown
In these unprecedented times, if you’re missing fishing already (I certainly am, especially with it being a gorgeous day outside), there are plenty of things you can do to keep you busy and stave off boredom while you are housebound. 1 – Give your kit a clean If, like me you’ve spent most of the winter on muddy riverbanks, now’s the time …

Three Wheels On My Wagon!
What do you do when the ‘wheels come off’, it happens to everyone in every sport at one time or another (maybe not Man City at the moment) but how do you deal with it? The trouble with fishing comes because there are so many variables, in snooker if you’re not potting balls you can put the practice in or even hire …

The Future’s Bright, The Future’s Orange
I’ve never been much of a tackle tart (those that have seen my gear, can testify to this!) if I’m happy with something I see no need to change it and in the case of bigger items like seat boxes and poles, I can’t afford to buy the latest model every year. So if I find a particular range of floats that …

Until the bitter end……
Are you one of those match anglers that sticks it out until the bitter end? Or if you realise you’re not doing any good, do you head off home for an early bath and watch the footy or rugby? I’m definitely the former, of course there have been days where I’ve packed up early but on the whole I stick it out …

The Perfect Match?
I was thinking the other day whether there was such as thing as the perfect match? I suppose before I attempt to answer that, we need to look at what it actually means. You could say that if you achieved what you set out to do, then you’ve fished a perfect match, that could be winning a competition, securing a section win for your …

All about the money?
My Friday post this week was originally going to be ‘The Perfect Match?’ (it’s written and ready to go, so I’ll publish it next week instead) but something cropped up and I think it’s a worthy subject for discussion. In all the years I’ve been writing the blog (12 years and counting), I’ve received loads of feedback with the overwhelming majority of …

Different Gravy
In my last post, I looked at luck and the part it plays in match fishing and things you can do to swing the odds in your favour. I touched on the fact that given all the variables, it’s all the more impressive when you see the level of consistency some of the top anglers perform at. Within match angling you have …

How’s Your Luck?
In my last Random Ramblings post (which I’ve had some great feedback and comments about, so thank you for that), I talked about how Match Fishing is possibly ‘The Most Complex Sport Of Them All’ and touched on the role that luck plays in it. Now, obviously you can have good or bad luck but is there anything you can you do to improve the …

Match Fishing, The Most Complex Of All Sports?
Whenever I talk about match fishing to people I know who don’t fish, they nearly all come out with the same statement ‘Yeah, but it’s all luck isn’t it?’. Now if you strip match fishing down to it’s basics, that statement isn’t too far off the mark is it?, the person that draws the best peg with either the biggest or the most …

Welcome to the new Against Men and Fish!
I would like to welcome you to the new Against Men and Fish, it’s been in the pipeline a little while and hopefully you’ll like it. Why a new site, you may ask, well everything I’ve read about blogs and blogging says you need your own domain name and your own hosting, basically your own little corner of the web. I’ve been thinking …