Category: Revels Fishery

Revels Fishery – Silvers Open – 31st December 2022
I really enjoyed this match last year, there was a brilliant turnout and despite the weather being atrocious, the weights were really close with just ounces separating several places. It was a case of deja vu as the forecast was just as bad for today. I met Nick and Harry at the Airfield for breakfast before heading to the venue, the rain …

Revels Fishery – Open – 27th December 2022
For my third match in four days, we were heading to Revels and I was really looking forward to it although I was beginning to flag a little bit after another rude 5:45 alarm wake up! Breakfast at the Airfield was decent again before heading to the fishery. Despite quite a few of the regulars fishing a big pairs match at another …

Revels Fishery – Open – 20th December 2022
What a difference a couple of days make! From lakes everywhere being iced over and unfishable (unless you’re particularly determined or stupid!), the temperature rose to being almost tropical. I met Parker ‘The Pole’ at the Airfield in Yeovil for breakfast which was really good before we headed to Revels. Another brilliant turnout for a Tuesday with 19 anglers in attendance and …

Revels Fishery – Open – 6th December 2022
Another chilly start for my next Tuesday outing, after a ‘Billy No Mates’ breakfast in Yeovil, I was soon pulling into the car park at Revels. A few less this week but still a dozen names on the list including John Barker and Big Al who was on for a hat-trick after winning the Xmas Match on Sunday and the previous Tuesday …

Revels Fishery – Open – 29th November 2022
I’ve been dying to get back to Revels so booked a few Tuesday’s off work leading up to Xmas. Steve P fancied it as well so we met at the Airfield Tavern in Yeovil for breakfast. Normally very good, it was disappointing on our last visit but I asked for my bacon well done this time around and it was really nice …

Revels Fishery – Simm’s Silvers – 2nd October 2022
The next Stoke match was Simm’s Silvers at Revels which I’ve been looking forward to and the lakes being used were Dead Tree, Canal and Middle, I’ve never fished the latter but it can be brilliant for silvers and I really wanted to draw on there. A few of us met for breakfast at the Airfield Tavern which is normally very good …

Revels Fishery – Open – 9th August 2022
I do love my Tuesday trips to Revels, I just wish I could go every week but as retirement is a fair way off yet, I will have to keep praying for a lotto win. After a quick breakfast stop with Parker ‘The Pole’ we were on our way. I did think the hot weather might put a few off but there …

Revels Fishery – Open – 2nd August 2022
I had booked Wednesday off work to fish the next match at Hebditch’s for Ruthie’s Cup but it had to be postponed so I swapped my leave around so I could fish Revels and Parker ‘The Pole’ did the same. We met for breakfast in Yeovil before heading to the fishery, the Tuesday opens are always popular and there was a great …

Revels Fishery – Open – 12th July 2022
I always enjoy my Tuesday trips to Revels starting with the obligatory breakfast of course! As I pulled up outside the shop, Dean had only just opened up which meant I was first on the list when draw time came around. I have mixed feelings about being top of the list, it does obviously mean all the pegs, good and bad are …

Revels Fishery – Open – 5th July 2022
I’d booked some time off work with lots of fishing planned over the next few weeks at some of my favourite venues, starting with a Tuesday trip to Revels. Up bright and early and after another really nice breakfast in Yeovil, I was soon pulling into the entrance to the fishery. Fourteen anglers fishing today with Main and Dead Tree lakes being …