Category: Revels Fishery

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Revels Fishery – Open – 19th October 2021

After three really enjoyable matches at Revels, I was back for another go and Parker ‘The Pole’ was once again joining me. Typically the weather had been gorgeous all last week but the forecast was grim for today – lovely! We had a really good breakfast before heading off to the fishery. Despite the rubbish weather, there was still a good turnout

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Revels Fishery – Open – 5th October 2021

If you regularly read this blog, you can’t have failed to notice how much I’ve enjoyed my first two visits to Revels. It’s lovely silvers fishing with quality roach, perch and skimmers, the weights are normally really close and I haven’t had too much carp trouble so far. Steve ‘The Pole’ said he fancied coming along this week as well. After breakfast

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Revels Fishery – Open – 21st September 2021

After my first visit a few weeks back when I had a lovely day, I’d been itching to get back so booked a day off work to fish the Tuesday open. Up bright and early, I stopped for breakfast at the Airfield Tavern in Yeovil which was very nice before heading to the fishery. I arrived in good time and the first

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Revels Fishery – Open – 31st August 2021

Baz has been telling me for ages I ought to try Revels for a nice days silvers fishing, so with a week off work, I arranged to go. After two early starts I must admit when my alarm went off at 5:45, I was flagging a bit! We met at the Airfield Tavern in Yeovil for breakfast which was really good before