Category: Revels Fishery

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Revels Fishery – Open – 3rd January 2022

As it was a Bank Holiday, I booked into the open at Revels. After the usual breakfast stop in Yeovil, I headed to the fishery. The car park was already pretty full as there was a great turnout of 20 anglers fishing this one. Three lakes were being used for todays match, Main, Canal and Woodlanders. The draw got underway and John

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Revels Fishery – Silvers Open – 30th December 2021

I was back at Revels for the silvers open and once again the weather was bloody horrible but there was still a great turnout of 15 anglers including Trevor Holmes who I hadn’t seen for years. Several lakes were being used and when the draw commenced, John Barker got peg 20 on Main Lake which is a great silvers peg although its

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Revels Fishery – Open – 28th December 2021

After a really lovely few days of eating too much and watching lots of telly (the Mortimer & Whitehouse Xmas Special was just brilliant), I was gagging to get out and had several matches planned, starting with the open at Revels on Tuesday. I was up early and as I loaded the car, the temperature didn’t feel too bad but it was

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Revels Fishery – Xmas Match – 28th November 2021

I was looking forward to this one, the first of three Xmas matches on the trot but with winter well and truly here, we could be in for another struggle. After two bitterly cold days with really strong winds, it was nowhere near as bad when I woke up Sunday morning, still very chilly though. I met Steve ‘The Pole’, The Grand

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Revels Fishery – Open – 23rd November 2021

After blanking on the river I was hoping for a few bites today but with another wicked frost, I knew it would probably be tough going. Hopefully I’d get an idea of what to expect in the Xmas match on Sunday. I met Steve ‘The Pole’ for breakfast and then we made our way to the fishery. Despite the cold weather, there

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Revels Fishery – Open – 2nd November 2021

I’ve been trying to get to Revels as much as possible for the Tuesday opens but I’m fast running out of leave at work (lottery win required please). The fishing is right up my street, quality silvers without too much carp trouble and I’ve had some good results (drawing decent silvers pegs obviously helps). I even managed an overall win with some

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Revels Fishery – Open – 19th October 2021

After three really enjoyable matches at Revels, I was back for another go and Parker ‘The Pole’ was once again joining me. Typically the weather had been gorgeous all last week but the forecast was grim for today – lovely! We had a really good breakfast before heading off to the fishery. Despite the rubbish weather, there was still a good turnout

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Revels Fishery – Open – 5th October 2021

If you regularly read this blog, you can’t have failed to notice how much I’ve enjoyed my first two visits to Revels. It’s lovely silvers fishing with quality roach, perch and skimmers, the weights are normally really close and I haven’t had too much carp trouble so far. Steve ‘The Pole’ said he fancied coming along this week as well. After breakfast

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Revels Fishery – Open – 21st September 2021

After my first visit a few weeks back when I had a lovely day, I’d been itching to get back so booked a day off work to fish the Tuesday open. Up bright and early, I stopped for breakfast at the Airfield Tavern in Yeovil which was very nice before heading to the fishery. I arrived in good time and the first

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Revels Fishery – Open – 31st August 2021

Baz has been telling me for ages I ought to try Revels for a nice days silvers fishing, so with a week off work, I arranged to go. After two early starts I must admit when my alarm went off at 5:45, I was flagging a bit! We met at the Airfield Tavern in Yeovil for breakfast which was really good before