Category: Reviews

Finygo App Review
I downloaded this app quite a while ago and if I’m honest I hadn’t got around to doing much with it, I’d published a review of another product and mentioned that there are loads of reviews on the blog when a very nice lady from Finygo contacted me and asked if I’d review the app. Of course I said yes and started having …

2018 Bait-Tech Products – A Closer Look – Part 1
Bait-Tech’s new 2018 products have been out a little while now but I thought I’d actually wait until I’d used a few of them before actually writing a review. Firstly lets take a look at what’s new, there are three new additions to the groundbait range, Pro Natural Fine Lake Dark, I already use Pro Nat Dark for nearly all of my silvers …

Float Review Revisited
Way back in 2013 at a Perry St match, the Tart brought on some pole floats made by Mike Smith for me to have a look at. I didn’t know Smithy back then and was quite flattered that anybody would actually care what I thought! Here’s what I said about them at the time, ‘I mentioned earlier that Brendon had brought me on …

UV BUFF and Baseball Cap Review
I received an e-mail from BUFF announcing their Spring/Summer (SS18) collection and as always there were loads of great looking new products, as I was due to head to Thailand again, I contacted them to ask if they wanted me to test or review anything from the new range. They very kindly offered to send me a Realtree AP High UV BUFF …

GABY Fish Pillows Review
Looking for a gift for the angler in your life? Check out these fantastic GABY fish pillows, something a little different and they are just gorgeous, equally at home on the sofa or in a fisherman’s tackle den. They look really life like and the first time I saw one of the carp pillows in a classic ‘catch’ pose I had to look twice! They are …

V2V Angling Productions Review
One of the first reviews I did for the blog, back in 2012, was of two Dvd’s from V2V Angling Productions and they were both excellent (see my original DVD review here). I was talking to Brian Gay recently and obviously things have moved on in the intervening five years or so and now in most cases downloading has replaced actually owning …

MThooks2tie Review
Back when I was youngster (many moons ago!), you basically had two choices as far as hooks to nylon were concerned, you either bought packets of ready tied hooks or you tied your own. In those days, ready tied hooks were of dubious quality, you were limited to what hook/line combinations you could buy and they were nearly all twelve inches in …

Lucky Tackle Box Review
My latest review is something a little different, I always get quite excited when a firm contacts me to review their products and over the years I’ve tried and tested a very wide range of tackle and bait plus everything from socks to water bottles! This time around, the e-mail came from Lucky Tackle Box, a name I’m not familiar with, the message …

ThermoNet Buff Review
If you’ve followed the blog for a while, you’ll know I’m a big fan of Buff products from when they contacted me back in early 2015 to ask if I’d like to review one of their Polar Buff’s from the new angler range. To be honest I didn’t really know too much about the firm at that time, so some research was required. Looking …

Blueguard Socks Review
Over the years, I’ve had quite a few firms contact me to ask if I’d like to review their products on the blog, obviously they normally tend to be fishing related items like bait or tackle and I strive to give an honest and fair review. I do also review things that I’ve bought that I think people might find interesting like books or …