Category: Reviews

Sodafloat Review
The Sodafloat was the brainchild of Paul Jessop following a frustrating match when the carp were out in the middle of the lake by a central rope, out of the range that Paul could accurately catapult his pellets and he caught very little. After a couple of sleepless nights and a week tinkering around in his garage, the Sodafloat was born! Basically …

Zizz 24-7 Head Torch – A Review
My latest product review is the Head Torch from Zizz 24-7 Lighting, I ordered it via Amazon and it arrived in a rather large package although on opening, the head torch was in a much more modest sized box! It comes with a really neat storage case that can be clipped to your rucksack, belt etc with the clip provided and three …

Fishing and Testicles – A Review
As you might well have guessed from the title of my latest book review, this isn’t your normal run of the mill fishing book! I first became aware of it when both Keith Arthur and Bob Roberts mentioned it, the author is a certain Billy Makin, former top match angler, maker of floats and creator of one of the first commercial fishery complexes who now …

New Bait-Tech Products For 2017
There’s always lots of excitement when a fashion house reveals its latest collection, similarly when a car manufacturer launches a new model, a football club shows off the latest strip or a band announces a new album. Well for me, although I enjoy footy and music, I also really look forward to Bait-Tech’s new additions to their fantastic range every year.There’s always a …

Burt Baits Chocolate Orange Review
I was talking to Burt Baits boss, Tony Wynnick, the other day and he said he’d send me the latest addition to the range, Chocolate Orange, to try out. A package duly arrived and as soon as I opened it, it certainly did what it said on the tin as a gorgeous chocolatey, orange aroma hit me. The Chocolate Orange range The Chocolate …

Tinca Fishing XChange Landing Net Review
I was contacted recently by Tinca Fishing and asked if I would like to review their XChange Interchangeable Landing Net and as always my first port of call is Google to find out a little more about the product. The Tinca Fishing website looks fairly new and clicking on the products option revealed that currently the XChange Landing Net is the only …

Steve Gardener on… A Life in Match Fishing – A Review
Obviously I love my fishing and I hope that comes across when I write about it but the next best thing to actually going fishing is reading about going fishing! I read a lot of angling magazines and there are some excellent blogs out there but when it comes to books, despite there being loads about carp fishing on the shelves of bookstores …

The PrintBiz/Bait-Tech Hoodie Review
Now that the blog is associated with Bait-Tech I thought it was high time I treated myself to a new hoodie. In the past I’ve always used a local shop to get the blogs name embroidered on hoodies, sweatshirts and polo shirts etc but as Bait-Tech have a shop on The PrintBiz website (, I thought I’d take a look. Once on …

Bait-Tech Apron Towel Review
Now a towel isn’t the most exciting bit of kit I’ve ever reviewed and it certainly won’t catch you any more fish but it is one of those things that you don’t miss until you haven’t got one!From wiping your hands after mixing your Pro Natural groundbait to keeping them dry and slime free before eating your sandwiches, it’s always useful to have a towel in your …

Drennan Series 7 BR 9-30 Carp Method Review
Anybody that knows me will know I like entering the odd competition or four and I’m sure people get fed up of all the ‘Liking’ and ‘Sharing’ I do on Facebook! I’m also a member of several angling forums and the excellent Match Fishing Scene which besides being a great discussion forum and invaluable source of info, also holds regular monthly competitions. It costs a …