Category: Reviews

Ringers Spring Loaded Bait Punch Review
When I was at The Big One back in March, I picked up a pack of the new Ringers Spring Loaded Bait Punches and I’ve only just got round to being able to review them! I’ve previously reviewed two Ringers products, the Pellet Pump way back in April 2013, which if you haven’t seen it yet, can be found here – Pellet Pump …

Bait-Tech ‘The Juice’ Review
I always get quite excited when Bait-Tech launches a new product but for 2016 one product in particular was creating a buzz and, if you’ll excuse the pun, really getting my juices flowing! I first became aware of this rather secretive new liquid through Andy Neal’s excellent match reports and write ups on the Bait-Tech website. He was using it all over the …

Bait-Tech Sticky Method Pellets Review
At The Big One, along with ‘The Juice’ the other new Bait-Tech product that stood out was the Sticky Method Pellets, Dean Barlow gave us a little demo and yes, they looked fantastic for fishing the method, something I just don’t do but the more I spoke to Dean, the more I began to realise that confining their use to just fishing the …

UV Angler Insect Shield Buff Review
Back in February last year, Kitshack contacted me to ask if I’d review one of their Polar Buffs from the new Anglers Collection, if you didn’t see it at the time, you can find it here – Polar Buff Review I was very impressed with it and at The Big One at Farnborough in March I visited the Buff stand and said I’d love …

SSP Baits Pellets Review
After receiving a selection of the new SSP Baits System-X range to review, I tried the Dark Silt groundbait first and was very impressed, if you didn’t read it first time round you can see it here SSP Baits Review. As most of my fishing has been on natural venues for roach, I hadn’t had chance to try the pellets until the …

SSP Baits Review
It’s always exciting when a new bait company appears on the scene and if Facebook is anything to go by, there’s a new boilie making firm springing up every five minutes, but for the match and pleasure anglers among us it’s a relative rarity as there are a few big names that dominate the market. I suppose the last one to burst …

Marukyu JPz Pellet Review
Check out my review of Marukyu JPz pellets for Pondip

The Handmade? Float Revolution
The world has gone handmade float mad! Although I was probably late to the party (just for a change!), I first became aware of the handmade float revolution through reading articles featuring Steve Ringer in the many fishing mags where he was using MW Diamonds and F1 Slims made to his own specifications. The first handmade floats I actually bought were some Malman Pencils which I’d …

Ringers Floating Pellet Bander Review
I do quite a few reviews on the blog now and it’s something I really enjoy doing, I don’t profess to be an expert or an authority on fishing tackle but I am an angler and as such I strive to give an honest review every time I’m sent something or I buy a piece of kit that there’s been a lot …

Polar Buff Review
One of the unexpected and most welcome perks of writing this blog is that from time to time I’m contacted by various companies asking if I’ll review their products. I’ve been sent allsorts including groundbait, a water bottle, waterproof jacket, pole floats, a photo canvas and been asked to review several fishing apps and I’ve really enjoyed doing it. These reviews have …