Category: Sellicks

Bruce Headshot

Summerhayes – Evening Match – 5th August 2010

With the Dillington evening league over I decided to fish a few of the Summerhayes evening matches so I can get my twice weekly angling fix! With the forecast being for a windy night, Scotty was in two minds whether to fish or not but when I arrived he was there! Of course I was pleased to see him but it also


Summerhayes – Evening Match – 22nd July 2010

After coming close last Thursday I was itching to get back for another go so booked in for this week’s evening match. There were 11 fishing this week including venue expert Alvin, Scott and Roger Russell, Martin Heard and Bruce Hunt. After a cup of coffee and paying my pools, it was time to draw. I fancied another go at 23 but


Summerhayes – Evening Match – 15th July 2010

After two bad matches I thought I might as well make it three in a row and fish the Thursday evening match at Summerhayes. The weather was atrocious and with the match being on Sellicks where 14.5 metres minimum is a must on most pegs, it could be hard going. There were eight hardy anglers (or crazy fools) booked in including Scotty,