Category: Summerhayes

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Summerhayes – Open – 15th April 2012

After a bit of a bad run where I’ve gone three matches with no brown envelopes, I was really looking forward to this one. Hopefully I’d be able to have a nice day catching silvers. I spent ages on Saturday making up four new rigs, all sparkly Malman pencil floats, I re-elasticated two of my pole tops and put a pulla bung

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Summerhayes – Open – 1st April 2012

Up and off quite early for this one (well for me anyway!) and on arrival at Summerhayes, several people said I wouldn’t be fishing for silvers today! Apparently the fish were on the top gasping for air earlier due to low dissolved oxygen so Pete had to put the aerator on which would create a fair bit of tow. I was hoping

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Summerhayes – Open – 25th March 2012

After last weeks disaster I was hoping for better things today at Summerhayes, it was on Long’s Match Lake again and the forecast was for a hot, sunny day. I picked Janders up and on arrival we could see there was a really good turnout (26 anglers in total). There were the usual venue experts in the form of Bruce Hunt, Adie

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Summerhayes – Open – 11th March 2012

With nothing else on, I phoned and booked in for the match at Summerhayes, Janders also phoned me in the week and asked if he could come along. I picked him up at 8:00 and off we went, there was a decent turnout of 19 anglers including Martin Heard, Bruce Hunt and Adie Bishop. I had no idea what a good draw


Summerhayes – Open – 28th December 2011

STOP PRESS After last weeks blog, Scotty messaged me to say there was a match at Summerhayes on Sellicks if I fancied it, so I had one more chance to try and break the £1300 mark. My alarm going off at 6:30 was a bit of a shock to the system, as was getting up in the dark! I got to Bridgwater


Summerhayes – Open – 6th November 2011

After two weeks with no brown envelopes and no Ilminster match this week I booked into a match at Summerhayes. The match was on Sellicks and I have a pretty good record on this lake so I was hoping to get back to winning ways again. At the draw there were all the usual suspects like Mark Leahy, Heardy and Bruce Hunt


Summerhayes – Open – 2nd October 2011

With Ilminster’s Isle league not starting until next week I booked into an open at Summerhayes, which was on Long’s pond. There was a decent turnout including Alvin and Digger and Pete announced the draw and Alvin pulled out a good peg and was looking to win his fourth match on the trot. I pulled out peg 32 which put me down


Summerhayes – Pairs Open – 11th September 2011

Pete phoned me a while back to say he was holding another pairs open, I had hoped to fish with Martin again as we were third last time but he paired up with Bruce so I had to find a partner. Most of the people I could think of were fishing the resi today so I asked Andy and he said he’d


Summerhayes – Open – 28th August 2011

After picking Janders up it was off to Summerhayes, the match was on Long’s again and I wasn’t confident of breaking the jinx. There was a good turnout of twenty anglers and after a coffee it was soon time to draw, I was near the end of the queue and pulled out peg 4 which put me on the far side yet


Summerhayes – Open – 14th August 2011

After my last visit to Longs and a next peg paste battering I was determined to try and get this paste fishing sussed. I ordered some Malmans hand made paste floats and bought some Ringers paste along with some Preston PR478 hooks in size 10 and 12 and Saturday was spent mixing paste, pumping pellets, making rigs up and tying hooks. The