Category: Yearly Review

2023 Yearly Review
In last years review I wrote ‘What a year! I’m not really sure how I’ll better it but I’m sure I’ll have plenty of laughs (and breakfasts) trying’ and to be honest I really didn’t think I’d be able to top it but an incredible 12 months has done just that! So here are the highlights……. Summary 2023 has been fantastic on …

2022 Yearly Review
I’ve decided to do something a little different with my yearly review this time around. In previous years, I’ve just done a shortened rehash of every match which makes for a rather lengthy post that I’m sure is as boring for you to read as it is for me to write! Hopefully, you follow the blog and regularly read my posts so …

2021 Yearly Review
January/February 2021 Another lockdown meant no match fishing yet again and 2021 carried on where 2020 left off! Highlights – None Lowlights – Covid 19 March 2021 I popped out to Dillington with Steve P for a pleasure session hoping to catch some skimmers on the feeder, a 3lb chub after twenty minutes gave me hope we might get a few but …

2020 Yearly Review
January 2020 A few of us decided to have a knock up at Sadborow before the Xmas break was over, I drew peg 7 which I was happy with and had a steady start but I fell behind the others and couldn’t catch up, I did land a big chub which was easily 4lb 8oz and would have been a new pb …

2019 Yearly Review
January 2019 After an enjoyable little knock up at Sadborow over the festive period, a few of us arranged another before the Xmas break was over, I ended up on peg 7 and had a lovely day catching 28 carp and 2 decent skimmers for 85lb 15oz and first place picking up £60 plus the all important pound from the Tart. Then for …

2018 Yearly Review
A look back at 2018 January 2018 It was bitterly cold for the first match of the year but the river had some colour and looked spot on, I drew peg 124a again and had quite an enjoyable day landing three chub and some nice roach for 8lb 10oz, third place and my first pick up of the year. Adie Bishop won with …

2017 Yearly Review
With 2017 disappearing in our rear view mirrors, here’s my look back over the previous twelve months, January 2017 We were on the Isle for New Years Day and I got just the start I wanted when I drew 106 but freezing rain and a cold wind made it very uncomfortable and I only had two sticklebacks! The other two at Redbridge struggled as …

2016 Yearly Review
As the year draws to a close, here’s my look back over the previous twelve months, January 2016 To kick off the New Year, we visited a new venue, Hebditch’s Pond and the weather was hideous with strong winds and driving rain. I tried to catch short and it just didn’t happen, after two hours I was the only person still blanking! I …

2015 Yearly Review
Here’s my look back at last year January 2015 The first match of the year saw us at Dillington and with it being mild and the pond coloured I was hoping it would fish well. Everybody had plenty of bites but the whip boys dominated and Justin Charles on the end peg won with 13lb 6oz and he had some quality roach. I …

2014 Yearly Review
Here’s my review of the last year January 2014 With the Isle flooded we were at Dillington for this match, I was quite looking forward to it and should have known better, I caught some good roach but lost a lump when the hook pulled and then managed to snap my 10 metre section later on. I finished with 4lb 12oz for …