2lb Pike

Taunton and Bridgwater Canal – 18th January 2014

Russell Hilton and I had been trying to arrange another meet up for a while and we eventually decided on today although I must admit I lay in bed last night listening to the rain pelting down and was sure he’d text to rearrange! I woke up this morning and the weather was still awful so I text him to ask if we

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Dillington Pond – V.E.S. Precision League 5 – 12th January 2014

The weather looked like it was going to be a bit better for this one so hopefully I wouldn’t breaking any more pole sections! The Yeovil muggers were back again this week and there was also another new face at the draw in the shape of Scott Jackson and it was lovely to see him. Mind you, I think he’d turned up


Poleaid Update

After snapping my pole last week I put a tongue in cheek comment on the bottom of last weeks blog, entitled Pole Aid and the response has been fantastic. I have to say anglers on the whole are a fantastic bunch and I would just like to say a huge thank you to Mick Greaves and Tony Wynnick for offering to lend me

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Dillington Pond – Royal Oak Winter League 6 – 5th January 2014

I was hoping to get 2014 off to a good start and we were out the pond today as the Isle has been flooded for ages. It’s been fishing well and I was quite looking forward to it (I should have known better!), Tackleuk muggers Scott and Ashley were fishing today and with a depleted turnout due to the weather, Rob was

Martin Canal 13th Jan 20132

2013 Yearly Review

Here’s my review of 2013 January 2013 My first match of the year was at Summerhayes and I fished bread for carp for most of the day, I did okay and weighed 27lb odd but no coin and I was left wishing I’d fished for silvers. Scotty won the match with a fantastic 101lb 8oz. My next match was on the Isle and

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Summerhayes – Open – 29th December 2013

Well this was my final match of the year and after my last two visits I wasn’t feeling very confident, especially as we’d had a frost overnight, there were twenty booked in for this match on Longs including Mark ‘The Hoff’ Hollister who was fishing the venue for the first time. Scotty and Ash were also fishing and so was Roger and Adam

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Summerhayes – Open – 27th December 2013

I was back at Summerhayes for another bash but with awful weather forecast there were only seven anglers brave or stupid enough to fish today! Pete decided on a rover so people could get out of the wind and I pulled out fifth choice so my drawing hand hadn’t improved since last week! I decided on peg 17 on Sellicks which was just

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Summerhayes – Open – 22nd December 2013

I was still feeling pretty rough and the alarm going off at 6:30 didn’t help much, on the plus side, the weather wasn’t going to be as bad as it has been the last few days. At the draw it was nice to catch up with some of the regulars who I hadn’t seen for a while and Bill ‘Redfin’ Hopping even

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River Isle – Royal Oak Winter League 5 – 15th December 2013

I came down with a cold on Saturday and wasn’t really looking forward to this match with rain forecast but as I’d missed a match due to being on holiday, I couldn’t afford to miss another. I got to the pub and there was a depleted turnout but on the plus side it meant Rob could use all the better pegs at

Dave Harrell

Dave Harrell interview

After the success of my first interview, here as promised is the second one with river legend Dave Harrell, I hope you enjoy it River Legend, Dave Harrell Hello Dave, thank you very much for taking the time to answer my questions, Against Men and Fish – It’s widely known that you are a fan of moving water but what’s your favourite

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