
Chris’s Pond – 29th April 2011

Rather than sit in front of the telly all day watching the privileged get married, Les arranged a match at Clivey Fisheries in Wiltshire. I picked up Janders at ten to seven (ouch!) and after meeting the others we set off for hopefully a good days fishing. We made good time and met a couple of anglers making their virgin visit at


Dillington Pond – Evening League 1 – 27th April 2011

With the evening league starting a lot earlier this year, I wasn’t sure how it would fish but with the warm weather we’ve been having I had high hopes. I had to pick Alvin up and when we got to the pond, we both thought you would need close to double figures to win it. There were only five of us fishing


Summerhayes – Open – 25th April 2011

After a few bevvies last night, my head was a little woolly for this one, after a couple cups of coffee I was on my way to Summerhayes for the draw at 11. I got there and paid my pools and said hello to Scott and Roger and then saw Bob Gullick who I haven’t seen for a good ten years and


Perry St Pond – Good Friday Match – 22nd April 2011

The weather was forecast to be good for this one and I was looking forward to seeing if I could continue my good form. At the draw, Scotty brought on some new digital scales as the club had been having problems with their set and it was fairly amusing watching half a dozen blokes crowded around, just trying to work out how


Summerhayes – Open – 17th April 2011

With no Chard or Ilminster matches I phoned Pete at Summerhayes and he said there was a match on Lily Pond, so I stuck my name down. I haven’t fished this pond before so I asked Scotty about it and he said it could be hard and that his Dad had won a match with 6lb odd of skimmers. Oh well it


Perry St Pond – Spring League 2 – 10th April 2011

Round two arrived and it was a glorious sunny day, I sorted out some bait and paid my pools and the first job was draw pegs out of the bucket to see who we had in the drawn pairs. I got paired with Steve Bishop and was well pleased with that, our opponents for the day were Chris Haines and Graham ‘Dino’


Perry St Pond – Spring League 1 – 3rd April 2011

I can’t believe the Spring League is here again, it doesn’t seem like a year ago! Anyway I got out the pond and most people were already there and it was great to see Chris Haines again, along with all the usual suspects. After sorting out some bait it was time for Les to read out the rules and then the draw

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Perry St Pond – 27th March 2011

There was no official match this week but we all met out the pond to do some swim clearing and general tidying up. As a reward for all our hard work we had a little knock up afterwards. There were 11 of us and Les left out the corner pegs which would make things interesting although the end pegs on both banks

Perrystboard20 Mar 11

Perry St Pond – Winter League – 20th March 2011

With nothing on this weekend, I phoned Les on the off chance that he might have a space at Perry St, he said yes and that I could fish for Steve Osborne – result. This would be a good chance to get an idea of how the pond is fishing before the spring league kicks off in two weeks time. I got

Me 12lb13oz

Ilminster Canal – 13th March 2011

With it being the last weekend of the river season we should have been on the Isle but with no rain all week, Robin relented and put us down the canal and I couldn’t wait! The day started nicely when at the draw he presented me with my £50 winnings for the Royal Oak winter league, now I just needed a decent

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