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Sadborow – 8th April 2018

I wasn’t sure where to go this weekend so when the Tart said they were having a knock up at Sadborow I said I’d be up for it, even if it did mean having to spend the day in the Tarts company! We met at ‘Spoons and over breakfast, I happened to mention that I didn’t fancy pegs 3 or 6, the former hasn’t

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GABY Fish Pillows Review

Looking for a gift for the angler in your life? Check out these fantastic GABY fish pillows, something a little different and they are just gorgeous, equally at home on the sofa or in a fisherman’s tackle den. They look really life like and the first time I saw one of the carp pillows in a classic ‘catch’ pose I had to look twice! They are

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Perry St Pond – 1st April 2018

After struggling on Friday, I was hoping for better things today, also it was April Fool’s Day but we’ve got our ‘Fool’ all year round, the Tart (aka Tail End Charlie). We met at ‘Spoons for breakfast again and there was a full house fishing today including Exeter Mike who’d been climbing the walls at home after breaking his wrist. I was fishing

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Sadborow – 30th March 2018

I always look forward to having a nice long weekend at Easter, especially as I normally fish a couple of matches, we were at Sadborow today and Picky asked if I’d stand in for him at Perry St on Sunday. The only downside would be having to spend two days in close proximity to the Tart, that’s more than enough for anybody! We

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Perry St Pond – 25th March 2018

After being snowed off last week, it was rescheduled for today with people on the same pegs although as a stand-in, I was fishing for Chilly last Sunday and Exeter Mike this time around which put me on peg 14 so I hadn’t moved far! The Tart was obviously desperate to get his pound back as he’d been out three times in the week practising

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The Big One – 24th March 2018

I always look forward to The Big One at Farnborough, it’s a chance to see friends I don’t get to see nearly enough, there are always some good deals to be had, you get to see the latest tackle before it hits the shops and of course there’s normally a fair few angling superstars and celebrities manning the stands. The show also had a new

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It’s Snow Joke

After the ‘Beast from the East’ where I missed fishing on a Sunday for the first time in ages, the forecasters were predicting a mini version for this weekend. I was hoping it wouldn’t be too bad and Saturday seemed to back this up with just a few snow flurries and a light dusting of the white stuff, certainly nothing to rush off

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Sadborow – 11th March 2018

After not fishing last Sunday I was gagging to get out this week but wasn’t really sure where to go so when Les text to ask if I wanted to fish Sadborow, I didn’t need asking twice! I’d really enjoyed fishing it last summer when I had three cracking days fishing catching between 75lb and 120lb. I was expecting it to be


Angler’s Mail Feature

Back in 2012, I realised a long term ambition when I did a feature for Match Fishing magazine (here’s what I said about it then), with Steve Lockett on the Isle, fast forward to now and when the chance arose to do a feature on chub fishing with Brian Gay for the Angler’s Mail, needless to say I jumped at the chance.

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Sodafloat Competition

Well as launch week for the new blog comes to a close, here’s the first of two great competitions I have for you. It’s simple to enter for a chance to get your hands on not one but TWO Sodafloats, check out my Sodafloat review here  To enter all you need to do is ‘Like’ the blogs Facebook page (I will check!), Share

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