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River Isle – IBC Winter League 7 – 14th January 2018

It got cold in the week and with hardly any rain, the river was back to being low and clear and with eleven booked in we’d have to use Hambridge again but how would it fish this week? We hadn’t had a frost and it actually felt fairly mild which hopefully was a good sign. I got to the bowling club for the

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Fishing In France – Baz Morgan – Part 3

My latest guest blog is part 3 of the Fishing in France series by Baz Morgan, what a brilliant looking venue!   Canal de la Dive For the purpose of this article I will deal with the section of canal that runs south of Breze, Epieds and Le Motte Bourbon, from here the canal runs north west to join the River Thouet

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River Isle – V.E.S. Precision League 5 – 7th January 2018

With the river really high during the week I thought we’d be back on the pond again but not too much of the wet stuff as we approached the weekend and it started to look like we might actually get on the Isle. I popped down on Saturday and it looked lovely with a tinge of colour and pace although the forecast was for it

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Lucky Tackle Box Review

My latest review is something a little different, I always get quite excited when a firm contacts me to review their products and over the years I’ve tried and tested a very wide range of tackle and bait plus everything from socks to water bottles! This time around, the e-mail came from Lucky Tackle Box, a name I’m not familiar with, the message

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2017 Yearly Review

With 2017 disappearing in our rear view mirrors, here’s my look back over the previous twelve months, January 2017 We were on the Isle for New Years Day and I got just the start I wanted when I drew 106 but freezing rain and a cold wind made it very uncomfortable and I only had two sticklebacks! The other two at Redbridge struggled as

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Dillington Pond – IBC Winter League 6 – 31st December 2017

It would have been nice to fish the river once more before the end of the year but the weather had other ideas, the Isle was in the fields at Hambridge on Thursday and more rain on Friday, Saturday and forecast for Sunday meant the only sensible (and safe) option was to put it on the pond. I don’t mind to be

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Hebditch’s Pond – 28th December 2017

This time last year, I arranged a match out the pond which proved very popular with seventeen anglers fishing and I got asked by several people if I was doing the same this year but after lots of initial interest, there were only going to be a few of us so I was just going to fish Summerhayes on the Friday instead. To

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Perry St Pond – 24th December 2017

With it being Xmas Eve I wasn’t going to fish but the thought of going nearly two weeks without my fishing fix didn’t really appeal. If possible I wanted to stay local but I knew Ilminster didn’t have anything on so I text Les who said they were going out Perry St and I could fish, perfect. Of course it didn’t take


The Perfect Seatbox?

With Preston just releasing their new carbon seatbox with a, frankly ludicrous, £2200 price tag, it got me thinking, is there such a thing as a perfect seatbox? Preston, by the way, have to be applauded because although they won’t sell very many, the social media coverage they have had as a result is huge which I’m sure was the intention in

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Hebditch’s Pond – Charity Match – 17th December 2017

I was talking to Harry recently and happened to mention it would be nice to fish the pond again and with a free date this Sunday and Harry actually having the day off, a match was arranged and as always we would all make a donation to a charity of his choosing. With only limited places available, these were offered to the

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