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A Masterclass By The Master – Billy Makin

My latest guest blog is something a little different, Billy Makin has been posting some brilliant stories on Facebook from the golden age of match fishing, I contacted him and asked if I could publish them on the blog and he said yes, so for those of you that don’t use Facebook or haven’t seen this yet, sit back, read and enjoy!

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Kayleigh Smith Interview

My latest interview is with England and Matrix star, Kayleigh Smith.  Hi Kayleigh, thank so much for agreeing to answer my questions; Firstly, wow, what a year you’re having, Ladies Fish O Mania champion, Division 2 National Winner and represented England – phew! What’s next? Kayleigh – Yes it’s definitely been a good year for me. Next up is the Winter

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River Isle – IBC Winter League 1 – 1st October 2017

I was really looking forward to getting back on the river and all the signs were good after some of the guys had been down swim clearing and reported seeing loads of fish. Some other good news in the week as well when the blog went past 600,000 hits, thank you so much for all your support and great feedback, I really

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Simon Fry Interview

My latest interview is with Garbolino star, Simon Fry. Hi Simon, thank you very much for agreeing to do an interview; You’ve been a consultant with Garbolino for a long time now which is quite a rarity in this fickle sport of ours and I have to say I find such loyalty refreshing, can you tell us a bit about your relationship with

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Summerhayes – Open – 24th September 2017

After last week’s struggle I was looking forward to fishing Longs this Sunday but feared the worst when I saw on an angling clubs blog that they had it booked for a match and sure enough Pete phoned in the week to say we’d be on Sellicks again. I met Hurf at the Little Chef for breakfast as he was off to fish the

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Summerhayes – Open – 17th September 2017

This weeks match was on Sellicks and as I hadn’t heard anything from the Tart I was hoping he’d gone into hibernation for the winter but no such luck and as I turned into the car park, his van was already there. I said hello before going to get some nets and Pete has just got a load of smart new Mosella


Mullet Nirvana in Ireland – Pete Bluett

My latest guest post is Pete’s account of a dream trip to mullet nirvana in Ireland. My partner Jenny and I have just returned from our annual mullet fishing trip to the Republic of Ireland. As usual, the destination was Rosscarbery in west Cork. What a week it turned out to be. The town of Rosscarbery sits at the top of a


Amer Jawad Interview

My latest interview is with Rive’s Amer Jawad and if I do say so myself, it’s a great read! Hi Amer, I realise you are a very busy man so thank you so much for agreeing to answer my questions; As the UK General Manager for Rive can you tell us what constitutes a typical day, if there is such a thing? Amer

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Dillington Pond – Summer League 10 – 10th September 2017

It was back to Dillington for the final Summer League match on Sunday and there were three anglers in contention for the title, Bill on 10 points, Fieldy on 14 and John D on 15. The Paste King had that four point buffer and just needed to avoid a blow out today, which on current form was highly unlikely. I paid Karl

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Summerhayes – Open – 3rd September 2017

I was back at Summerhayes this week and for once the forecasters had got it right and it was chucking it down, a quick pit stop at the Little Thief set me up for the day and then it was on to Bridgwater. There was a good turnout today with some new faces which was great to see along with the more

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