
Sodafloat Sponsored Post

 Exciting new product from Peejay Tackle, click on the image below for a great video showcasing the Sodafloat.   Fish and feed accurately at any distance you can cast. You can fish and feed simultaneously with any bait, including pellets, chopped worm, sweetcorn, hemp, maggots, luncheon meat etc, etc. In fact, any bait that will fit inside the Sodafloat. It has a

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Summerhayes – Open – 28th May 2017

This weeks match was on Sellicks and I was really hoping I could get away from the low numbers and draw a peg near the top or on the far bank, on arrival it was nice to see Paul Homewood for the first time in ages and several of the Torquay contingent were also in attendance although, thankfully, the Tart wasn’t one

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Perry St Pond – League 4 – 21st May 2017

The Perry St low section was my destination for round four after another cracking breakfast at Millfield café and I was really disappointed to pull out peg 1, it’s a corner peg but hasn’t done much in the first three matches. Picky drew peg 10 and the Tart was on peg 3 which won last week so once again my pound coins

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Sodafloat Review

The Sodafloat was the brainchild of Paul Jessop following a frustrating match when the carp were out in the middle of the lake by a central rope, out of the range that Paul could accurately catapult his pellets and he caught very little. After a couple of sleepless nights and a week tinkering around in his garage, the Sodafloat was born! Basically

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Sadborow – League 3 – 14th May 2017

It was back to the Chard AC league at the weekend and I was really looking forward to fishing Sadborow pond for the first time since 2007! The club have done loads of work out there over the last few years and it’s been fishing really well with over 100lb needed to win the last three matches. After another excellent breakfast at

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Quick tip – Hemp with a twist

Whenever I fish natural venues I always like to have some hemp with me and I normally split a large tin of Bait-Tech Super Seed hemp into three bags and freeze it, that way a tin lasts me three matches which is great value! Along with the Natural hemp there are also Chilli and Aniseed varieties and with the arrival of all

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Summerhayes – Open – 7th May 2017

This weeks match was a rover on all ponds with the exception of Longs which was booked for a club match, so given that I hate Lily lake and have only fished Willow once, I would be a praying for a fairly early choice so I could pick one of the pegs on the far side of Sellicks, namely 15-21 although 11 or 13 have

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Quick tip – Pepping up your pellets

Pellets straight out of the bag catch an awful lot of fish but in this day and age where the fish have seen it all on busy commercials, what can you do to give yourself an edge? I like to prepare my micros the evening before a match and I add two extra levels of attraction, firstly I flavour the water used

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Summerhayes – Open – 30th April 2017

After some lovely weather, the temperature took a dive and there was even snow reported in some areas during the week! The forecast wasn’t great for today either although when I picked Janders up it was dry albeit a tad windy. We got to Bridgwater and as we parked up, the pegs in front of the car park (37-39) look fairly sheltered and I


Mullet Fishing by Pete Bluett – Part 2

In part 2 of Pete’s excellent article he explains the methods he uses to target mullet. Methods The following methods are those that I currently use to catch thick lips. They will almost certainly seem impossibly crude to seasoned coarse anglers, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned in all my years chasing mullet, it’s to keep it simple. I have found

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